Example sentences of "many [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It stood on a mossy hill , and was environed by an expanse of peat soil and many stacks of the dark-coloured fuel ; and in reaching it , many most forbidding sloughs had to be rounded and jumped over .
2 Others love a day by the sea or an afternoon in the country ; and many most enjoy being taken to the homes of relatives or friends for a meal .
3 In a letter to his mother he explained that ‘ seeing God had so often heard his most humble petitions , and had delivered him out of many most eminent dangers of soul and body , and had brought his family out of most desperate calamities , he should now seek to serve Him in such a calling ’ .
4 Most studies of latent inhibition use procedures in which there are many widely spaced presentations of the target stimulus and there is a long interval ( frequently of 24 h ) between the last pre-exposure trial and the first trial of conditioning .
5 Moreover , many widely reported accounts of astonishing experiences are elaborations or flat lies .
6 This obscurity has not detracted from the approach 's popularity , and many widely held notions about psychology have originated in the cinema , in magazines or novels , based on interpretations of psychoanalytic thought .
7 The " eyebrow flash " as it has been called has been found to occur in many widely different cultures .
8 The word spiritual has become for many fundamentally dissociated from religion and so serves to encourage an alternative , one that is more attractive because lacking both definition and the incubus associated with religion .
9 To estimate how many economically inactive lone mothers there were in 1981 , with children aged 1–15 , in England and Wales , we have proceeded as follows :
10 It is Davie 's contention that this view is quite wrong : there are a great many outstandingly talented British poets , including Charles Tomlinson , C H Sisson , Elaine Feinstein and others ( Davie , as distinguished a poet as any of his subjects , modestly excludes his own work ) who do not answer to this description , and one purpose of Under Briggflats is to claim for them the attention they have often been denied ; in some cases , indeed , to rescue them from scandalous neglect .
11 They do not seem to have noticed that many predominantly market economies suffer from inflation , and often very rapid inflation .
12 Much of an information user 's appreciation of such utility can depend on many intensely personal factors such as education , age , cultural conditioning , and past experience of using information resources .
13 Fortunately there are many commercially available products , but when this problem first emerged the only treatment available for a time was with sodium thiosulphate. in the days of black and white photography this was readily available but can now be quite difficult to obtain .
14 There are many commercially available interface units that allow the ZX Spectrum to be connected to printers of one type or another .
15 Bunyard 's accolade referred to a perfectly ripe Cox , left on its tree until October and not snatched off before it is anywhere near maturity , as so many commercially grown apples were later treated .
16 But the loyalty of those who left to their ‘ house ’ and their village was such that when they were able to they sent money home , and many eventually came back in person , to die where they were born .
17 In the fifteenth century , when Christian Europe was threatened by the Turk , the Bogomils turned to the Crescent rather than the Cross , and many eventually accepted Islam .
18 Whilst Whigs of all complexions signed with no hesitation , the Country Tories were much more reluctant to swear allegiance in such unqualified terms , although many eventually complied when signing was made compulsory .
19 He says that ‘ when the dictionary , the grammar and the style book seem to rule okay , we find the language of the street , of the bar , of the market-place , of the many rather than the few , striking back and changing our own , educated perceptions of what English really is . ’
20 And it would appear to many rather strained within that agreed by the Secretary of State , a matter of general principle , the County Council accepted past level er of migration without looking er at the implications er of that .
21 It was the day for the sale of sheep , and we saw many little lots under the guardianship of shepherds and collie dogs ; eager buyers were going from group to group , judging their respective merits — now taking a hold of a sheep to feel his weight , and noting the quality of his fleece .
22 The dense , lush forests harbour many little known and rarely seen creatures , like this diminutive mouse deer ( above ) .
23 Part II discusses her woodcuts and lithographs , many little known .
24 The first review was written mainly for the many within and outside the congregation who had participated and therefore knew the scheme of things .
25 Erm indeed there are many within in the education system , particularly older men seem to have this attitude in my experience , that y'know it 's just it 's just boys messing about and having a good time .
26 Regrettably , too many inadequately trained , ignorant and uncaring managers in too many workplaces believe they can beat the cost of unsafe practices and systems and take a chance on the consequences .
27 No doubt there are many inadequately pursued opportunities around that could be revived and worked through more thoroughly .
28 One of the real problems was that there were too many badly built , badly designed buildings in the wrong location which the tenants do n't want . ’
29 A hundred and twenty-eight men were dead or missing , out of three hundred and seventy ; and as many badly hurt .
30 Again the stone walls are dark and streaked with rain and age , and along them are ranged carved figures , many badly worn and now almost unrecognizable .
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