Example sentences of "because so " in BNC.

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1 Then I began on custom and practice — a fascinating subject , because so much depends on precedent rather than formal agreements .
2 ‘ D' you know because so many people switch off their TVs by remote control instead of pulling out the plug , they go on using electricity , the same in one night that would power Leicester for one day .
3 It comprises elements from both modern and classical techniques ensuring that the lines and patterns made by the dancers ' bodies are more expressively stretched and angled and less rounded than usual , because so much is danced with tense emotion .
4 Saatchi 's extremely active deaccessioning has caused a stir partly because so many major artists and dealers have a personal stake in his collection - and have , in some cases , risen to prominence as his collection has expanded -but also because his collection is almost unanimously regarded as the greatest of its kind in existence .
5 The paper claimed that the government had failed to make more progress in changing attitudes because so many beneficiaries of the tax state were opinionformers and hostile to the government 's goals and to free enterprise .
6 Trouble is , I still wonder whether it 's going to be a match for the Metro because so far one thing seems to be missing — fun .
7 Our report Lost for words , published last year , showed considerable complacency in Britain , because so many visitors have an impressive command of English .
8 Because so many things that seemed important are n't important any more . ’
9 A badly-planned script , by contrast , necessarily leads to a badly-organized film , and the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because so much seems to be going on during the shooting stage — money is spent , crowds of extras run in front of the cameras , tempers become heated and everybody becomes very tired — that the person trying to control this chaos appears to the casual observer as the only significant creative force .
10 Because so little work had been carried out on Hector 's dolphin before Slooten and Dawson began their studies , it is impossible to even guess at the number of dolphins which had been annually killed before 1984 .
11 Because so many of the drowned Banks Peninsula dolphins were young animals , the local dolphin population was predicted to continue to decline for many years , even if all set-net entanglements were stopped , simply because fewer dolphins would reach breeding age .
12 Bearing the Visa or MasterCard logo is the key to making big money , because so many outlets accept them .
13 Instead , Mr Major praised the corporation 's ‘ remarkable ’ reporting and noted the need to keep a proper balance ‘ precisely because so much of the world listens to the BBC . ’
14 Because so few drug-liability claims have ever been decided in court , no one is clear what responsibilities drug firms should bear .
15 The war could not be won because so many irredeemable mistakes had been made by a leadership unwilling to accept expert advice ; recent decrees and ‘ many speeches ’ were said to have contradicted the ‘ true will of the people ’ ; and the leaders had underestimated Russia and other countries .
16 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
17 Naturally , I 'm dissatisfied with how I look , not because I 'm stupid and impressionable but because so many images of beautiful young women around make me feel self-conscious , constantly aware of myself .
18 Locals call it ‘ The Wall ’ because so many people like it that they never venture outside it till it 's time to go home .
19 She seems all the more objectionable because so many people have been falling over themselves to help her .
20 But because so much money and technical faith had been invested in the project no one thought to check the information elsewhere or suspect that the system might be fallible .
21 For a start Claridges Hotel , in London 's Mayfair , where the Russians would be staying , was fully bugged by MI5 on a permanent basis ( because so many ‘ interesting ’ foreign guests stayed there ) and it was certainly not going to miss the opportunity of eavesdropping on the two leaders .
22 In America all presidents are acutely afflicted by the Henry II syndrome because so much American foreign policy is controlled by their intelligence organisations .
23 This point is academic — first , because so much of this type of absenteeism goes unnoticed or unrecorded ( it was described as ‘ hidden ’ truancy by the Pack Report ) , and second , because , realistically , the use of legal procedures would probably not be contemplated by any LEA until the problem had worsened and discussion with parents had failed to resolve it .
24 On the whole , I feel optimistic about the future of nature conservation because so many people are involved now .
25 Timeshare is not normally a solution SAVE would recommend for a historic house because so much of the expenditure goes on pure marketing , leaving too little for the building , but where it is well organized the outcome may be satisfactory .
26 Scotland , compared to England and Wales , has relatively few medieval churches but , precisely because so many were destroyed at the time of the Reformation , Scotland is rich in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century ecclesiastical architecture .
27 Moreover I have given order that they who collect my dues take from you no more than the tenth , because so it is appointed by the custom of the Moors , and it is what ye have been wont to pay .
28 In other words , more people are surviving to 60 , and enjoying the kind of lifespan which has never been all that rare , but which is now much more common , simply because so few humans die at or just after birth , in the first five years of life , and so on .
29 A simple indicator of qualifications is not very practicable in Britain because so many people left school in the past without any formal qualification to show for it .
30 Because so many different weights may be used , it is sometimes difficult to compare product prices .
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