Example sentences of "between one " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The experts assure us that symptoms occur between one and four hours after this particular substance has been ingested . ’
2 However indirectly related to sensory experience a laboratory quantification of a particular form of energy may be , in the end the rate of exchange between one form of energy and another — the way in which we compare the quantity of one with the quantity of another - reposes upon the gold standard of subjectivity .
3 But these soloists are the links between one group or grouping and another .
4 The director said that it would take between one and two weeks for the Soviet Union to send the forces it is currently pulling out , back into eastern Europe .
5 Another potentially distorting factor is that whilst average incomes can be compared between one country and another , they do not of themselves reveal the true comparable standard of living , nor the comparable potential markets for all products .
6 Official statistics are gathered and recorded in different ways between one country and another .
7 Even survey data gathered by the same multinational company might differ significantly between one country and another .
8 The research framework should be constructed to provide comparability of findings between one country and another .
9 Concepts , attitudes and types of behaviour vary between one society and another .
10 As just one example , the grouping of occupations into ‘ social classes ’ might call for variations between one country and the next .
11 Yet as we shall see , the Famine did produce considerable horizontal side-effects between one province and another .
12 Goods trains coming from the Baltic to Moscow took between one and four weeks , a distance that was covered in fourteen hours by passenger trains .
13 This makes it very different from education , where only the supervisory responsibility is central , while direct responsibility rests with between one and two hundred executive bodies , deriving their authority from a local electorate .
14 This third National Government , like the Conservative-Liberal Unionist coalition of 1895–1905 , was the type of coalition government with which British history is much more familiar : a coalition between one major party and a fragment from another which has broken off because it disagrees with one of its parent party 's central tenets — in 1886 Home Rule , in 1931 unwillingness to reduce unemployment benefit on the part of Labour and unwillingness to tamper with free trade in the case of the Liberals .
15 At the same time he tried to make an economic case for expenditure in that area : ‘ Moreover , from the trade point of view , this area was probably worth between one and one and a half million employed men to this country .
16 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
17 Indeed , they do show rhythms in activity , waking , feeding requirements , bladder-emptying and body temperature — rhythms that all have a period between one and four hours and so are called ultradian .
18 Reference is also made to other Anglican churches in the area as a choice may have to be made between one building and another .
19 Having completed the pit , look for signs of compaction : vertical roots turning 90 degrees to the horizontal at a particular level , or a layer which just looks hard and compacted , or a wet , grey or blue band between one and six inches deep .
20 It would deal with wasteful prescribing and wide variations in performance to be found between one hospital and another , which could not be put down simply to lack of resources , he said .
21 Evidence suggests that there is a sizeable amount of foreign currency held in Poland — it is thought between one and two billion US dollars is currently banked with the financial institutions , but the undeclared amount almost certainly swells that figure many times over .
22 Many additions are made to the basic cheeses , such as mushrooms peppercorns , garlic and herbs , but the greatest distinguishing factor between one Brie and the next is whether it is made with pasteurised or fresh , untreated milk .
23 The supermarkets get paid cash by the customer a few days after the goods arrive in their shops , while they pay their suppliers between one and two months after delivery .
24 Growers aiming to burn must make every reasonable effort to notify county fire brigades , district council environmental health departments , occupiers of all adjacent premises and , in some instances , air traffic control of their intentions between one and 24 hours in advance .
25 The motel-supermarket-hamburger civilization has now been superimposed on what was left of nineteenth-century towns , and has further worn down the differences between one region and the next , but it is doubtful whether the mass mind or the mass man has yet come to pass , except to the extent that people always conform to a prevailing style while it lasts .
26 Or they might be asked to choose between one or the other .
27 I was originally going to do between one and 12 weeks on it , but now I 've been there two and half years , ’ she said .
28 Although she spends most of her time in transit between one engagement and another , on arrival the destination often looks pretty like the place she has just left .
29 Conversation thus tended to be laconic and allusive and it sometimes scarcely seemed to possess a thread of connection between one remark and the next : this was however an illusion , seductive enough to a stranger ignorant of background , all the more so to a stranger not fully in command of the language .
30 The area between one arch and the base is 3π a ² , which is three times the area of the generating circle .
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