Example sentences of "way [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most pupils ' experience of drama must be confined to ‘ drama lessons ’ and the easiest way to conduct such a short lesson is to devote it to improvised drama and movement , with its focus on individual objectives .
2 However this was a thoroughly misguided way to conduct the case for the FA .
3 This was no way to conduct one 's life , as he had always maintained .
4 Novell has become famous for the way it manages its relationships and believes that relationships are the way to conduct business .
5 addressed you in the in the form of a question that is not necessarily the the only way to conduct a debate and I think that 's the point that 's being made .
6 Well I think it 's sorry I do n't think it will serve any purpose people actually get up and make character assassinations of other people and when were talk in terms of I said You said and He said I do n't think that 's a productive way to conduct the evening 's business . .
7 The media are held to have played a key educational and civilising role — by keeping people better informed of the issues involved in industrial disputes and of the ‘ proper ’ way to conduct them .
8 3 But it also makes sense to say that the British constitution is what the authorities say it should be because their views on these matters help to police everyday political practice , pulling it into line with the constitutional theory which they themselves advance as the proper way to conduct politics .
9 The style and tone of this appendix are quite astonishing ; fortunately , readers of this book and of Early music will be aware that for one writer to read another 's work insufficiently carefully to understand it , to attribute to him ideas he does not hold , and then to subject them to sarcasm and ridicule is no way to conduct academic debate , and about these four pages the present writer — the recipient of this attention — needs say no more .
10 He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull as he walked through woods to the railway station in the settlement of Semkhoz on his way to conduct the early morning service at his church in the nearby village of Novaya Derevnya .
11 A very unsatisfactory way to conduct business .
12 There you have it , the way to conduct your second er your er step two within the first appointment .
13 Restricting your consumption of fats is a sound way to lose weight and a healthy way of eating for all the family .
14 Not only is this arrogant but also a sure way to lose power and to convince others that the meeting is not worthwhile .
15 And , despite a thousand excuses , most know that the only sure way to lose excess weight is to eat fewer calories .
16 Burnishing the paintwork on a hot loco on a warm day , I can recommend as a way to lose those extra pounds .
17 Not the nicest way to lose a race .
18 Self-righteousness in business is a sure way to lose money .
19 Nibbling , rather than gorging , is a healthier way to lose weight and a better way of satisfying your appetite .
20 It 's an easy way to lose money .
21 ‘ Exploiting customers by levying higher charges than we could justify on grounds of cost or , worse , cheating them by using clandestine methods to raise interest rates on borrowing for reasons other than perceived risk would be the surest way to lose customers in what is , these days , a very competitive industry .
22 Quick fad diets with very low calorie contents are not a very healthy way to lose weight since they can leave you feeling tired and irritable .
23 Breeding horses is a good way to lose money , but rarely to make it .
24 I felt quite sick but thought it almost a duty far one afflicted in my way to remain , saying to myself , ‘ Oh , you like cruelty , do you ?
25 No , there was no hope of her husband exploding with rage at the thought of leaving her and swearing that he would find a way to remain .
26 Whether camouflaged or not , the best way to remain unobserved is to keep still or move stealthily .
27 She knew already that to think like a servant was the surest way to remain one — something she was determined not to do .
28 They milled around and tidied him up to his satisfaction and went on their way singing :
29 This does not mean that he himself thought a trust the ideal way to realize his intentions .
30 Within a few days of his election he already knew that the way to realize this ‘ new Pentecost ’ was an Ecumenical Council .
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