Example sentences of "way [conj] " in BNC.

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1 My maximum bet had given away my hand and forced Judas to go one way where he would otherwise have certainly gone both .
2 I took over and we lost our way where a blackened adobe town sprawled over a hill above a steelworks .
3 ‘ You and I have got some serious talking to do — I 'm not about to let the director have things all his own way where make-up 's concerned .
4 Cycle with consideration for others , giving way where necessary ;
5 Take the naming of parts out West Edinburgh way where all sorts of developments are going on .
6 Isambard , putting the door to very softly behind him , was stabbed by yet another of the recollections that fronted him every way where Harry was .
7 The first difficulty is , despite the destructions , the enormous number of existing pictures , many of them signed , and in one way or another more or less Bellinesque .
8 The wrecker explains that , one way or another , ‘ it 's not easy to pull down monuments ’ .
9 Theatres were closed during the Cromwellian period , but with the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 came Court comedy and the beginning of the ‘ comedy of manners ’ which has , in one way or another , been popular right up to the present day .
10 Let it make its way or not , as fate determines .
11 Soon it was time for luncheon , and the whole of the downstairs staff was occupied in one way or another .
12 ‘ Will she take it all the way or wo n't she ? ’ became the talk of the senior common room .
13 ‘ I do n't want to put you out of your way or anything , I … ’
14 If you feel that you will be unable to take out a loan in this way or that it will cause you financial hardship , you can apply to the Social Services Department for help .
15 I 'm incredibly lazy but I do think I 've found the right way or at least a better way than hers to live .
16 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
17 But if the choreographer does not understand all the details which go to make the total presentation of a ballet , it can all too easily fail in some way or other .
18 This can be done only if the whole body is seen to be involved in some way or other .
19 Dostoevsky exhorted himself in his notebooks to ‘ explain the whole murder one way or another and make its character and relations clear ’ , but the artist in him would n't allow it .
20 With both the motive for the murder and the brave rescue Crime and Punishment sets the pattern for later Dostoevsky ; his post-Siberian notebooks swarm with admonitions like ‘ Decide the matter definitely one way or the other ’ , and with the X marks the spot of ‘ Here a podvig is achieved ’ ; and in the other novels , as in Crime and Punishment , the actual outcome of such promptings makes an interesting study .
21 Nevertheless , this , in one way or another , is what we then require the student to do ; the ineffable is to be transformed into efficient communication , whether in seminar discussion , an essay , or an examination answer .
22 Moreover Prothero , a historian , perhaps had no ideas about poetic diction one way or the other ; Pound , as we have seen , thought himself victimized by Prothero not for anything to do with writing but for having championed Lewis the painter and Gaudier the sculptor .
23 ‘ Clearly the Kurds , one way or another , are going to present an enormous problem to the courts very shortly , as they are at the moment to the Home Office , ’ Mr Justice Schiemann said .
24 Then , in a quick display of candour — or humour — he added : ‘ I mean , I could argue one way or the other about that .
25 Lack of proper sleep had affected everyone , in one way or another .
26 Everyone here is haunted one way or another .
27 It does n't bear thinking about , but I only hope I shall have learnt something from you in order to carry it on in some way or another . ’
28 I think they have made some positive statements but I do n't know whether it will work that way or not . ’
29 ‘ To my mind , it is a virtual certainty that the partnership 's operations would have been brought to an end , in one way or another , within a relatively short time after …
30 He was an attorney at law who , when he first began his practice , bragged , according to Gilbert 's Parochial History of Cornwall , ‘ that he would get an estate by the law one way or the other .
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