Example sentences of "any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After the Poema there were to be no more serious attempts to re-tell the life of El Cid with any fidelity to actual events .
2 Flake the tuna fish ; dispose of any brine , but if the fish is packed in olive oil it may be added to the dressing for the beans .
3 It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that with regard to the explicit curriculum , RE has to fight for its life — constant vigilance is the necessary price it pays for retaining any foothold at all in a curriculum groaning under the weight of other priorities .
4 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
5 All these ornaments any ornaments for Christmas like you know
6 ‘ One could discern no forward-looking political thinking , nor any willingness even to contemplate reform . ’
7 The sanitized , simplified , view of the world offered in films like this anticipates later television styles , and mark the beginning of the closedown of any willingness on the part of British filmmakers to confront the difficulties of contemporary life .
8 Any willingness on the part of our courts to accord supremacy to community law is thus limited by two factors : ( a ) an unwillingness to hold that Parliament has limited its power to pass legislation conflicting with existing obligations under community law ; ( b ) lack of precedent for challenges to the validity of an Act of Parliament .
9 Members should not indicate any willingness to accept the proposals until such time as all negotiations on them have concluded .
10 Node N : start 8 0 any child of start r 5 s 7 any grandchild of r 2 s 24 start any grandparent of s 2 r 36 a goal any parent of a goal 1 49 fb is a better heuristic function than fa because it assigns relatively large values to states near goals .
11 Inside the magnetosphere possible sources of particles include the exosphere of the planet , the surfaces or exospheres of any satellites , and the surfaces of any ring particles .
12 Nigel Vaughan did a passable impersonation of Liam Brady and Peter Reid for 35 minutes , but once he tired the home attacks lost any semblance of variety .
13 For many of his supporters he could do no wrong and any semblance of wrong having been done was explained as part of the ecumenical conspiracy to defeat true Protestantism .
14 They were capped by flat discs and had a smooth surface without any semblance of an aero dynamic profile .
15 The reality is that a child is a time-consuming , all-engulfing creature who disrupts any semblance of pleasurable home life .
16 The enemy bowmen showered them with arrows , to break up any semblance of order ; and the English horsed might , charging downhill , everywhere overwhelmed the Scots leadership by sheer weight and impetus .
17 An indication that many fighters have all but lost any semblance of moral conscience are the frequent violations of the neutrality of medical and humanitarian workers .
18 But the inclusive nature of this category required that comparisons be limited to the most severe cases ; those lacking any semblance of human capability .
19 What is known is that nearly 8000 young people leave care each year at 18 and many others at 16 and 17 , and are not provided with any semblance of the help and support which a good parent would give not only to these age groups but often to many young people of 19 , 20 or even older .
20 And this month it looked like losing any semblance of true commercial independence when its two biggest shareholders , Spain 's El Pais and Italy 's La Repubblica newspaper groups , said they may be forced to increase their joint stake to 50% by investing more money in it .
21 Insiders say any semblance of an organisation has been abandoned .
22 Like the GMC 's recommendations the deans ' suggestion may seem superficially attractive , but it too lacks any semblance of realism about how it might be implemented .
23 If it does the alternative of a statutory limit on hours of work similar to that proposed by the European Commission would destroy any semblance of manpower control just as surely as Field 's proposals .
24 Unlike the Wagner excerpts for Chandos reviewed in February , they show her , in poor and strained voice , battling to maintain a line or any semblance of firm tone .
25 Nobody has yet been discovered who maintains any semblance of normal health without sleeping .
26 He says ‘ the demand for the all-round grocery clerk , fruiterer and vegetable dealer , dairyman , butcher , and so forth , has long ago been replaced by a labor configuration in the supermarkets which calls for truck unloaders , shelf stockers , checkout clerks , meat wrappers , and meat cutters ; of these only the last retain any semblance of skill , and none require any general knowledge of retail trade ’ .
27 Once you 've left the Getting Started manual , screenshots seem to be a thing of the past and any semblance of logical order is forgotten .
28 From then on , any semblance of normal life became impossible .
29 Part of the problem was that Trinidad was so culturally and ethnically diverse and seemingly lacking any semblance of a common identity , the political arena therefore was simply a reflection of this diversity .
30 It conjured up too many graphic images for her to reply with any semblance of iciness .
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