Example sentences of "also [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So they are , in a sense ( to be disputed on other grounds in a later chapter ) , but they are also molecules , and it is possible for human chemists to purify them , bottle them and store them on a shelf .
2 In addition , however , there were also peaks of variable proportion that eluted earlier .
3 There were also discussions about the resolution of debt claims .
4 In LBOs , creditors are often also shareholders , making them less likely to jostle for advantage when times get tough .
5 Mr Kester points out that the difference in Japanese firms is that the stakeholders that matter most — customers and suppliers — are also shareholders .
6 A large number of the company 's 100 employees are also shareholders .
7 These are agrarian reform programs , planned at government level to alter land distribution and modernise traditional agricultural methods , and also policies concerning food production and distribution .
8 The heading for this section looks like a play on words , but it is intended to point out the fact that , while development control is one of the instruments by which planning policies are implemented , there are also policies relating to the actual operation of the control .
9 An understanding of industrial relations in the Netherlands , for instance , requires an appreciation of the vertical segregation ( or ‘ pillarised ’ structure ) between religiously defined groupings and non-denominational organisations which for long characterised Dutch society and affected not only unions but also employers .
10 It is part of the Polytechnic 's Partnership for Quality Initiative , a programme designed to change the Polytechnic from a teaching to a learning organisation which will involve all students , staff and also employers .
11 On defence Mrs Thatcher said : ‘ Times of great change are also times of uncertainty and even danger .
12 There were times when the bikes were a pain but , also times when they were of great benefit .
13 There are also times when we need to ensure that we understand what is being said , and this can be done by asking simple questions or making comments which help elucidate or develop what the counsellee is saying , such as , ‘ So you think that … ’ , or ‘ You mean that … ‘ , or even ‘ I 'm not sure that I follow what you mean …
14 There are also times when meaning derives from deliberate violations — or ‘ floutings ’ as Grice calls them — of the co-operative principle , always provided that the sender intends the receiver to perceive them as such , and that this is how , in fact , the receiver does perceive them .
15 But there are also times when it can seem depressing .
16 But there were also times when it descended low .
17 There are also times when you need to find out how much your students know or can do with language .
18 There are also times when there may be no option but to admit someone to hospital for treatment when there is a serious risk that the person will harm him or herself or is becoming physically ill through inadequate nourishment and self-care .
19 There were also splits in the party ranks on this issue .
20 There are also parallels with ( and differences from ) anthropological structuralism ( Piaget 1971b ; Turner 1973 ) .
21 ‘ There are also bruises on her thigh , which must have been caused by her being stamped on or kicked as she struggled . ’
22 There are also openings for suppliers of tender , low-fat lamb in the hotel , licensed restaurant and contract catering sectors , while free range and maize-fed poultry are in demand by hotels and licensed restaurants .
23 There are also openings in hospitals , government and local authority laboratories , particularly in areas related to medical research .
24 She was elected Chairman of Kent Teachers in 1982 and is currently Treasurer , she also coaches the Kent Display Team .
25 Nearly 70 per cent of seasonal , temporary or casual workers are also part-timers compared to only a quarter of fixed contract workers .
26 The concentration of women in industries and occupations where seasonal , temporary and casual rather than fixed contract working prevails also goes much of the way to explaining why the majority of female temporary workers are also part-timers .
27 However , some of these could be explained by the fact that the temporary workers were also part-timers ( who were , in any case , excluded from particular benefits ) , or that certain benefits were available only to workers with a minimum service record .
28 There are also improvements in the routing department : the early EGs had large pickup cavities under the scratchplates , but on the new versions the cavities have been kept as small as possible to retain wood , with the aim of improving tone and sustain .
29 In 1972 pension payments were made more generous and there were also improvements in family allowances , health care , unemployment pay , the penal code and rent controls .
30 There are also improvements planned on the screening facilities .
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