Example sentences of "time [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , governments have for a long time been divided over how large a merger must be before it passes out of national hands to Brussels .
2 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
3 The nature and degree of insanity which will afford a defence to a criminal charge has from time to time been a matter of considerable discussion .
4 For my part I am not condemning , I am illustrating the fact that the Christian symbiosis between nature and humankind , expressed so well in the Bible , has from time to time been replaced by man 's domination of nature with disastrous consequences for both .
5 Jeremy Taylor , who had at one time been chaplain to Archbishop Laud , was no Calvinist .
6 Burnage Court , the big house in the picture hidden in trees at the end , has at some time been cruelly treated , with badly applied half-timbering on the ground floor and tile-hanging on the first .
7 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
8 The last has for a long time been the argument most favoured by political theorists .
9 ‘ I had for some time been interested in the work of the 17th century Dutch and Spanish still-life school of painting .
10 After all , just look round any bar and you 'll see that everybody there , myself included ( you too if it 's your kind of bar ) , has in their time been both The Boy and The Older Man , both Banker and Domestic , Ingenue and Other Woman , booted Prince and stirrup-holding Groom — but I do n't mean either that you should have complete license to make him look just how you wish ; I do n't want to think of anyone hearing this story and grinning and thinking of Boy as some permanently , conveniently smiling blue-eyed blonde , because he was not that in any way and that is not what he meant to us .
11 Certain types of small bacteria , called mycoplasma or ureaplasma , have for a long time been thought to be responsible for some cases of NGU .
12 Even this severe shaking , however , failed to cause alarm amongst the local people ; they had by that time been living with the eruption for many weeks , and it is remarkable just to what extent familiarity of even something as exceptional as a volcanic eruption can breed contempt .
13 However , the demand for the relevant , the practical , and the vocational that was part of the raison d'être of the GCSE has at the same time been answered in a different way , which may in the end prove embarrassing to the DES and the SEC , and may seem to promise yet another shift of power .
14 It has in its time been threatened with demolition as a bottleneck , but has been widened and is still happily intact .
15 Christopher and I then returned to the fringes of power , having for a time been drawn perilously close to the centre . ’
16 Augmentations are worth searching out , for there is many a manor , grand house , or estate which has at one time been owned by an eminent person in receipt of an augmentation of one kind or another — and there is almost certainly a good tale to tell .
17 I would imagine that the site had at one time been occupied by a large merchant 's house as four of the houses were built over a medieval cellar .
18 The manager of Goddards , ‘ Wiggy ’ Harris , had at one time been a teacher at the local ‘ School of Art ’ where his father Mr. Joseph Harris was Headmaster .
19 There had for a long time been publicly expressed unease in the United Kingdom about the unsatisfactory training of people treating the diseases of animals , whether they were farriers in the sense of being shoeing-smiths acting as horse-doctors , or were medical practitioners — physicians , or more especially surgeons — who had , partly or completely , left human medicine for the less crowded and potentially more lucrative ( if less socially acceptable ) field of animal medicine .
20 The creation of truth has , from time to time been manifest in religious thinking , but it has been either not recognised as such , or deliberately not admitted to be such .
21 The result is that there are books on many library shelves which have at one time been declared obscene or indecent and may be so categorized again .
22 They came to the bank of the stream which had for some time been running unseen beside them .
23 It was apparent as the light grew that the rocks which lay scattered among the trees had at one time been arranged in order .
24 But , even while visualizing entering the cupboard , she had at the same time been fully aware that she was in a non-threatening situation ( lying in her own bed ) and so , once again , the subconscious mind had no need to send out those panic signals .
25 For example , it has for a long time been generally accepted by students of organisation that any organisation is likely to need a number of rules and procedures to guide the behaviour of organisational members .
26 Most people who use an analogue mobile phone have at some time been unhappy with the call quality , and an unfortunate few have experienced the unpleasant side effects of deliberate or accidental ‘ eavesdropping ’ .
27 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
28 The majority of hairdressers in the North West have at one time been trained by him .
29 Tanberg had for some time been interested in the way that hydrogen behaves in the presence of metals such as palladium .
30 Captain America 's main man EUGENE KELLY got in touch to tell us the latest development , namely the withdrawing of the sleeve , and added : ‘ I have for a long time been a devoted customer of C&A and will only wear socks and pants with the C&A label .
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