Example sentences of "time [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At one time push-ups were done on the knuckles but since medical evidence proved that this could cause severe metacarpal damage they have been done on the flat of the palms .
2 Up to the mid-1980s , there was a sharp distinction between most time and sight accounts as far as personal customers were concerned ( i.e. at the retail level ) : time accounts paid interest whereas sight accounts did not .
3 Other sight accounts , however , do pay interest at a rate only slightly below that on time accounts .
4 Higher interest rates may encourage depositors to switch their deposits from sight accounts ( earning little or no interest ) to time accounts .
5 Since money is less likely to be withdrawn quickly from time accounts , banks may feel the need to hold less liquidity , and therefore may decide to increase credit , thus expanding the money supply .
6 When the base is squeezed by open-market operations , etc. , the banks may be able to economize on cash balances by encouraging customers to switch to time accounts which have less risk of large cash withdrawals .
7 It just seems incredible that after a 90 nm flight with some 10 time checks , known and secret , plus 25 observation targets , one Pole had a total penalty score equivalent to a two second error .
8 A mandatory waiting period of five working days would be required for the purchase of a handgun , during which time checks would be required to screen applicants for those with a criminal background .
9 He has added another successful chapter to his career as part of Blackburn 's 10m transformation from cloth cap country cousins to big time tycoons of British football .
10 just as the ermine changes it coat for winter ; just as the seed can lie dormant for thousands of years ; just as the bacteria and the rotifers can live in their desiccated time capsules for perhaps longer than we can ever envisage , awaiting a change of outer circumstances for the tiny living specks of dust to take on another form — just so , perhaps , may the living forms we know so well have secrets tucked away within them that only the rolling of the aeons can reveal .
11 The burial of sites by volcanic eruptions happens without warning , so that such sites are like very well-preserved time capsules .
12 I 'm also hoping to put in time capsules , so people in 150 years time will know what what was happening in Southmoor and the locality .
13 Amongst these are part time hours , job sharing and term-time working .
14 What you have n't realized is that you 've already had the moon for that day but because it was up and in and in the sky during the day time hours you did n't see it .
15 Microsoft Graph offers 84 graphing styles but a number of commonly required types are supplied among PowerPoint 's Time Savers .
16 More usually , first time climbers in the alps are aware of the technique 's importance , but have little idea of how to apply it effectively on different types of terrain .
17 Although most borrowers take out a loan over 25 years , five years is the average amount of time homeowners spend in one property before they move to another .
18 As previous research into juvenile delinquency has found , spare time activities are carried out in groups .
19 But sport is fighting an uphill battle against the recession and competing leisure time activities ranging from videos to computers and home shopping , the survey adds .
20 And , Carol , I suppose your spare time activities are largely taken up with your family these days ?
21 Sometimes the competitors jump a course of various jumps , those with a clear round will then either go against the clock — which means the person getting a clear round in the fastest time wins .
22 In various measures after 1911 governments extended benefits in ways that undermined the true insurance basis of the scheme ; but the contributory principle remained an important political symbol , and from time to time attempts were made to return the scheme closer to its roots .
23 Anything I have accomplished in that time ranks as only a minor contribution compared with the achievements of the Fast Reactor research and development team , ’ she said .
24 The " Baltic path " to emancipation — the landless variant — was discredited at the very time disagreements over the way forward were at their height .
25 I do n't know what time daddies coming in .
26 I do n't know what time daddies gon na come .
27 They both allow people to choose their own time horizons , which can be anything from two to 25 years .
28 Such an argument also presupposes that the ‘ market knows best ’ ( where the term ‘ market ’ today often means a limited number of institutional fund managers , whose time horizons may be ‘ short term ’ ) and that the nationality of a firm ‘ does not matter ’ .
29 Pensions as a form of work reward suffer from an absurd time-lag ; no one at 25 years of age thinks in 40-year time horizons .
30 The dilemma of time horizons .
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