Example sentences of "two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1933 , I saw a notice in a doctor 's shop window stating ‘ Examinations one shilling and sixpence ; with stethoscope two shillings ’ .
2 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
3 He made his first professional purchase at the age of 16 , while still at art college , when he bought a plate for two shillings at Preston market .
4 Although ‘ Milton and Wordsworth exalted me ’ , he eventually buys a complete Byron for two shillings and reads Childe Harold .
5 It cost two shillings .
6 He stuffed it hastily back , afraid someone had seen him reading it , and took ‘ To Mother Dear ’ and his two shillings up to the counter .
7 Two Shillings .
8 When Geoffrey son of Sarah of Empingham resisted this illegal demand , the forester raised the hue and cry upon him , and distrained him until he gave him two shillings and found sureties for appearing at the attachment court .
9 Gilbert White was proud of his early cucumbers , cutting the first of 1753 on 5th April to take to his brother in London and when he discovered they were priced two shillings apiece in Town , arranged for a further thirteen to be conveyed on the coach from Selborne .
10 The Chesterfield Races were held within a stones throw of Sheepbridge & Brimington , and this is an original GC poster from the year 1911 when the fare from Penistone was two shillings and sixpence .
11 A miserable two shillings and sixpence a week !
12 They had already set up Exhibition clubs so that working men could pay in small sums a week towards the total cost of an excursion ticket which included accommodation at the Ranelagh Club — bed and a hearty Victorian breakfast — for two shillings ; the fare was five shillings .
13 The boxes filled with toffee and tied up with red string , Agnes checked up the account , saying aloud , ‘ Two dozen mice , sir , at a penny each , two shillings .
14 Tillie won the day , dues were reduced to one shilling for English ships , two shillings for foreigners .
15 ‘ Not quite the two shillings , the skipper . ’
16 I well remember buying in 1926 , for two shillings , a large pile of encyclopaedias , which had been issued in weekly parts in 1910 .
17 For this work she received two shillings and sixpence per week , quite a nice sum for the 1880's when farm workers were expected to bring up families on twelve shillings a week .
18 Two guineas were paid for the use of the engine and hose , with payment of two shillings for the first hour and one shilling per hour afterwards for firemen , and one shilling for the first hour and six pence afterwards for pumpers .
19 Paula and Louise had been nominated to sell the raffle tickets and did a round of the hall , flirting outrageously and telling all the boys the tickets were ‘ sixpence each or two shillings a strip ’ .
20 At best , a family might be given two shillings weekly if , after being willing to submit to a very strict investigation into their financial position ( this was called a ‘ Means Test ’ ) they were found to be at starvation level .
21 Hymie and Louis would borrow two shillings from Old Bill , and then would say — ‘ We 're off to see a customer in Hamilton ( 12 miles away ) so we will not be back before 5 o'clock . ’
22 ‘ I got two shillings from my Dad every Saturday night — that was my week 's wages .
23 The borrower had to pay a shilling for a promissory note stamp and a fee of two shillings for enquiring into the sufficiency of his security .
24 Two shillings was added to every pound for credit , and five per cent interest charged after twelve months ( which became six per cent in the 1920s ) .
25 If they have an arrow in the gold they are paid two shillings ( no decimalisation here ) , if they have a hit in the red , blue or black they receive one shilling , but if they have hit the outer white the bowman has to pay one shilling into the pool .
26 But I 'll give thee two shillings for the wench .
27 ‘ Sanitary towel ’ were dirty words , and I would steal two shillings from his pocket to buy them when the need arose .
28 … all and every Person and Persons , inhabiting within the Said Town where the said intended Pavements shall extend shall sweep and cleanse , or cause to be swept and cleansed , the Footways in the whole Length of the Front of their respective Houses , Buildings , and Walls , once in every Week , upon Pain of forfeiting and paying the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence for every Neglect therein .
29 There was to be no pay , and yet any private who failed to attend for two hours , at least twice a week , for ‘ The Exercise ’ when the troops would ‘ … go through the Evolutions together ’ would be fined two shillings .
30 And there was cotton gingham at two shillings a yard , you 'd have a smashing blouse out of that at six shillings , maybe four of them to go with each of the skirts .
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