Example sentences of "him as " in BNC.

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1 What must have distinguished him as being beyond normal was his unconventionally high state of consciousness .
2 The Marquis of Queensberry may be judged , in this context , to have made an involuntary and uncharacteristic joke in accusing Wilde of ‘ posing as a somdomite ’ : a phrase that smells of the multiple self , and of the uncertainty of interpretation — and indeed spelling ( Ackroyd , as it happens , interprets him as something other than a sodomite ) .
3 A student at Lashan Gliding Centre was badly hurt once when the glider lifted off the ground and came down on top of him as he walked by the nose .
4 Big Angus stared at him as though he was not there .
5 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
6 And if he stays behind that door ’ — the mounting gale of voices behind him was lifting him as he spoke , he wanted to jump on the factor , grab his hair and swing him against the door like a battering ram — ‘ we will fire the roof ! and smoke him out ! ’
7 His mother and grandfather were eyeing him as he emerged from the bed and felt the nag of their expectation that he would go off at once to earn a day 's wage at Aberfeldy .
8 Iain Logan had been listening to him as though fascinated by the stress of experience which had lengthened Cameron 's face and closed his black brows over his eyes .
9 Byers turned on him as Ella came through to ask them to hush their voices .
10 The judge looked at him as though along an oval tunnel lined with gowns and faces .
11 Little wonder , then , that Professor Dudek viewed him as ‘ always a troubled young man . ’
12 She grappled with him as he pressed against her , pushing him away and urging him on .
13 But the beloved was unattainable either because she belonged to another or because , like his muse , she forever eluded him as she was only a figment of his imagination .
14 However , there is something rather disturbing about the thought of having your pet stuck with needles , let alone seeing smoke rise from him as well .
15 Flanking him as it were is the wife of another familiar figure and quintet member , Virginsky .
16 Details of background , opinions , foibles , are lavished on him as on nobody else .
17 And as to Spasov and being saved — ‘ Il me semble que tout le monde va à Spassof ’ — there is still some comic devillife in him as he quotes the Saviour against his bible-selling saviour because she is taking thought for the morrow , and as he turns the gospel on its head with ‘ Happiness does n't pay me because I start at once forgiving all my enemies . ’
18 We can see him as it were constantly restraining his inventiveness , constantly trying to conform to an orthodox view against which his thoughts and emotions rebel , constantly trying to justify Chinese intelligence by dragging it a little nearer to some Western precedent .
19 Ezra Pound 's long love affair with England , and his angry and wounded turning against her in 1917 or 1918 , can not of course bulk so large in an American 's sense of him as in an Englishman 's .
20 And yet there is his tribute , as late as the Pisan years , to Blunt ; there is the fact that his friendship with Yeats did not end except with Yeats 's death ; and there is above all the fact that his disenchantment with mass democracy kept pace with Yeats 's , and culminated for him as for Yeats in the false alternative of Fascism .
21 Every change he has advocated has always struck him as being of instant urgency .
22 The business community regognises him as ‘ one of us ’ , and he belongs to the generation which will be in its prime in 1997 .
23 Lord Aldington was taking the witness stand on the third day of his libel action against the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and Nigel Watts , a property developer , who circulated a pamphlet describing him as responsible for repatriating 70,000 Yugoslavs and Russian Cossacks to be massacred by the communists in 1945 .
24 He was continuing evidence in a libel action against Count Nikolai Tolstoy , the historian , and Nigel Watts , a Tunbridge Wells property developer , who circulated a pamphlet in 1987 describing him as responsible for repatriating 70,000 Russian Cossacks and Yugoslavs to be massacred by the communists in 1945 .
25 Of course there are , and ought to be , a thousand images of God in which we represent him as changing his mind , forgetting , being angry , being him , doing all kinds of creaturely things ; our language of worship , of gratitude for existence , has to be full of such metaphors and images ; we must take these metaphors seriously , but if we take them literally , if we mistake these images for God , we are idolaters .
26 Carroll House lashed out at well-wishers and photographers who crowded round him as he was led back after winning and struck a rail with his hind leg .
27 Gandhi described him as ‘ British in nationality but Indian in heart . ’
28 Even to maintain his ratings at their present level — with 22 per cent in one poll choosing him as their preferred Prime Minister in a field that included Mrs Thatcher — he has no choice but to be constantly audible and visible .
29 It is inevitable and right that if we are to make God real for ourselves we must , to a considerable degree , speak of Him in human terms , which is what the Bible does when it speaks of Him as repenting , changing His mind , being provoked or made angry or sorrowful .
30 Was age catching up on him as well ?
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