Example sentences of "him come " in BNC.

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1 As for the purchaser , tell him to come to my house and choose another picture — something that both he and I like .
2 But when Uccello died in his eighties , ‘ He left a daughter who could design , and a wife who used to say that Paolo would remain the night long in his study to work out the lines of his perspective , and that when she called him to come to rest , he replied , ‘ Oh what a sweet thing this perspective is ! ’
3 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
4 The Sunday before she had asked him to come to tea .
5 And he invited him to come to the Mayday parade to see for himself .
6 The yellow nylon shirt with the frothy frill amounts to an offence against taste bordering on the criminal , yet it somehow works to offset his complexion ( pale blue ) and the ensemble enables him to come on like a chat-show host from Hell — vast smiles and arms flung out in gestures of mock formality .
7 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
8 We had a few drinks and all thought he seemed a bit of a laugh so we asked him to come back to the shop with us and have a bit of a sing .
9 ‘ I 'd like to know it , all the same , ’ he said , as if the knowledge could somehow enable him to come to grips with it and defeat it .
10 Kendall said last night : ‘ I have had long talks with Peter and I am optimistic that I can get him to come to City .
11 He went down extremely well last Sunday , for example , when many people gathered outside the party 's central committee building in an unauthorised meeting and called on him to come out and talk to them .
12 By the time I 'd asked him to come and play , he was already becoming a name in the pop music field .
13 I had just finished building a 16-track studio in my house and asked him to come and have a go on that equipment that even the very big studios did n't have .
14 IF she could persuade him to come , which she doubted .
15 It was not a particularly difficult decision for him to come to , since he was going to emigrate to Australia anyway .
16 You tell him to come and see me again when he 's in London . ’
17 She was asking him to come downstairs .
18 I was terrified , I sat there until my boyfriend came back , I did n't even have enough money for my bus fare or to make a phone call to my brother and ask him to come and pick me up .
19 We got him to come and fix it before the first session .
20 I invited him to come and conduct the orchestra in Aachen .
21 He has come to discuss things with me on many occasions and I am always asking him to come and do just one concert with the orchestra .
22 Whenever Annunciata came to fetch the child she was firm : he must go at once or otherwise his mother would be displeased and might not allow him to come at all .
23 He came rushing across the garden while she sewed and she called out to him to come and try the sleeves .
24 In the hope that Willsford adapts to the place , I take him to come home first , ahead of Cool Ground , Brown Windsor and Stay On Tracks .
25 That heart is Welsh , and it is his Welshness which gave him an inner security that enabled him to come this far .
26 Modigliani 's family urged him to come back to Livorno too but his work , his world , was now in Paris .
27 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
28 What pressures his wife brought to bear on him to come around to this decision I am not sure .
29 Donald would issue a death certificate for any cause you suggested to him ; this case , Henry felt , might be so staggeringly self-explanatory as to allow him to come to a diagnosis off his own bat .
30 And Abeniaf was in great trouble at this which was said openly concerning him , and he sent privily to the Cid , telling him to come as soon as might be .
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