Example sentences of "have just " in BNC.

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1 To put it simply : I can never have just one thought about the spectacles , and if it could be truly said that I was only able to entertain , say , two or ten thoughts about them — if my thinking consisted of discrete , countable thoughts — then they would not be thoughts at all .
2 TVMM will have just under 8 per cent and Charles Romaine , the sales director of HTV , said TVMM would be willing to take on any other groups to bring that total closer to 25 per cent .
3 ‘ He must have just gone over the fields . ’
4 ‘ Ca n't I have just one night in the whole year to myself ?
5 We could have just put the shutters up , but they 'd have said , ‘ yeah , we got the Pakis out . ’
6 I grew up on movies and have always believed that if cameras had been invented before Ur and Og first trod the stone age boards then no one would ever have bothered to invent plays , they would have just leapt straight into the cinema .
7 ‘ If Warner made ‘ Bonfire of the Vanities ' today it would have just one big star not three ’ , argues one insider .
8 Whereas before the majority of pet dog owners would have just one dog , more and more people now decide to get a second dog — often as a playmate for their first dog .
9 Some stimuli in the environment will help you diet , and some will have just the opposite effect .
10 He would n't have just … vanished !
11 I did n't think anyone was aware of my leg ; I do limp , but for all they knew I might have just tripped over a plug or something .
12 ‘ We could have just announced that free tickets were available at the door but after talking to the police about it we decided that was a bad idea .
13 Oxford remain marginal favourites but Cambridge have a slight weight advantage and could also have just enough extra pace to take charge .
14 If Osman Abdelal and his sisters had climbed the furthest hill to the north , they might have just been able to see Mrs Zamzam 's refugee camp at Rashidiyeh .
15 Clearly , training that allows the subjects to come to the task with these associations ready formed will be of help ; and equally clearly , reversed pre-training will have just the opposite effect .
16 Mr Farraday will usually have just returned from his short walk on the downs at that point , so he is rarely engrossed in his reading or writing as he tends to be in the evenings .
17 An editorial in The Lancet ( November 10 , 1990 ) entitled ‘ Who 's for tennis ? ’ but which could have just as easily been entitled ‘ Who 's for running ? ’ sums up the present state of the art and looks particularly at a new piece of research carried out on civil servants .
18 You will have just enough machinery and equipment to tackle the work without being over-capitalized .
19 And if anyone had noticed , maybe I could have just tossed the whole matter off in a casual way : ‘ Oh , that … it 's nothing much … ’
20 It was funny I should have just tidied the room this day , thought Nessie as the two strangers laid Kevin on the new-made bed .
21 Typically , he will have just encountered a major and overwhelming life event , such as loss of a spouse through death or separation , be in a state of ‘ shock ’ and have resorted to self-poisoning or self-injury as an acute reaction to the event .
22 Our largest vole , the water vole , is very active at the moment as its breeding season will have just started in the last few weeks .
23 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
24 So it would n't have just been insurance investigators ferreting about — it would have been the world 's press as well .
25 Do make sure your own decisions and do n't let others persuade you to ‘ have just one more ’
26 He could have just got the ferry to Fishbourne and spent a fortnight at Butlins .
27 Questions can be asked by The Speaker ( see below ) or the player who has just thrown ( or would have just thrown )
28 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
29 ‘ He ca n't have just disappeared , ’ Nell said .
30 Moreover , such a demonstration would produce an accessible shop window of ‘ green ’ street environments which could have just as dramatic an effect on the way we think about our public spaces as it has done for the Germans .
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