Example sentences of "have to " in BNC.

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1 For the purposes of this book , just two assertions will have to content us : first , some works have been intended by their makers to be seen as art ; second , there is a consensus today that other works are to be described as art .
2 I think there is always an element of typecasting that is sensible , I mean it does n't have to be restrictive .
3 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
4 One of these beliefs may be racial superiority , but does not have to be .
5 This , of course would have to be seen .
6 The beauty of glass , he wrote , is this , that the surface does not have to be covered .
7 It will have to be installed either by a window or in the middle of the largest room you 've got , I told her .
8 A traditional interior does not have to be incompatible with accommodating whole families , nor with providing meals ; yet an increasing number of old pub interiors are being sacrificed on the altar of the identikit eating house — whether the brewer 's concept be a downmarket steakhouse or part of a family restaurant chain masquerading as an independent local concern .
9 As a result , the brunt of investment pressures will have to be borne by an ever-decreasing stock of pubs ; and what good pubs we have left will be more than ever exposed to the cold winds of change .
10 But he said it could mean duties of managers/owners — such as keeping a hotel plan or ensuring staff are trained to use the fire fighting equipment — implicit in UK laws — would have to be spelt out .
11 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
12 When she arrived , she listened to the story of what had happened , teased out the relevant details , then announced that the police would have to be called and went off back to her office to do the necessary .
13 It had n't occurred to me that Sarah and John might not be alone , but here , now , I would have to be introduced and explained away somehow .
14 The door would have to be left ajar for air and that might alert passers-by .
15 Any job I took would also have to be fitted around me travelling to and from Harwich .
16 Why does it always have to be me ? ’
17 You 'd have to be daft not to want to give it a go .
18 These tend to rot in the sun and though the treads might be as good as new , they will have to be changed because of the cracks in the walls .
19 As the controls become effective , the amount of rudder will have to be reduced long before full flying speed is reached .
20 If the wing-tip touches long grass or rough ground , there will certainly be a bad swing and the launch will have to be abandoned .
21 A further complication may be that any sideslipping to correct for drift may cause the ASI to under-read so that the speed may have to be judged .
22 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
23 The device may have to be removed by a small operation .
24 But it does n't have to be exercise with a capital E. Think of it more as activity .
25 You do n't have to ‘ eat for two ’ ; nor should you eat less than normal when you 're pregnant .
26 For a few women , such as those who have had repeated miscarriages , intercourse may have to be limited .
27 These grants however are discretionary — that means they do not have to be given so there will be variations from one district to another .
28 The first time a boy kissed her , she thought he was being charitable and told him he did n't have to .
29 Do n't see how you can stand the celibacy when you do n't have to .
30 You have a lot to lose , thought Jay , rolling a cigarette , and you know damn well you might have to , or at least turn it all upside down if you let yourself fall in love with me .
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