Example sentences of "than [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No direct reference was made by the committee to nuisances , other than noise nuisance , yet if employees want a working environment free from odour nuisance there are provisions in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to enable them , with the aid of their safety representatives or safety committee to achieve this .
2 The double glazing was to prevent the penetration of winter cold rather than noise pollution , she concluded .
3 The marjorams all have a long history of use since classical times , and were more popular in the Middle Ages in Britain than thyme .
4 These rigours can be associated with cleaning rather than cooking .
5 In the office , more and more is being sent by fax , because it is quicker than postage .
6 For him it was a question of identity rather than creed and , particularly in a period of rising anti-semitism , he could no more deny his ancestry than change his name .
7 There is more to the YF-22 than stealth .
8 The very Spanish serenader of ‘ La sérénade interrompue ’ takes his intended by storm rather than stealth and ‘ Voiles ’ is hardly sans rigueur et caressant .
9 Limoux , a small town in the département of the Aude in southern France , not far from the medieval city of Carcassonne , is the home of Blanquette de Limoux , a sparkling wine that claims an even longer history than champagne .
10 In even a marginally warmer climate than Champagne 's , the sugar-acid ratio would be unsuitable for a fine sparkling wine .
11 Witness , for example , the morose faces ordering house white rather than champagne in the City bars ; the sheepish scramble for the Surbiton train dead on six o'clock ; the City staff noticeboards selling Fiats rather than Ferraris .
12 ‘ Is n't this better than champagne ?
13 Alcohol can make a big difference to the final bill so take care choosing wines and think of opting for a good sparkling wine rather than Champagne .
14 No sooner had the excitement died down in Coventry than champagne corks were popping at Courtaulds Fibres in Grimsby .
15 ‘ You 're more bear than squirrel today .
16 Most of the time he 'd nothing more serious to worry about than squirrel shit on the seats if ever he left the windows open .
17 On balance , the general reaction to the greater social tranquillity was one of relief rather than euphoria .
18 " Worse name than whore ? " he said incredulously .
19 As the foil plating was thicker it may have been found more durable than mercury plating .
20 Has arranged a blood pressure shot using a digital blood pressure reader : still uses a cuff and pad but readout is digital rather than mercury .
21 Although it was relatively ineffective , the fact that it was considerably safer than mercury meant that it remained in the pharmacopoeia of many countries until the twentieth century .
22 But assuming for the moment that we can do better than fight over the trough , how do we do it ?
23 I 'd rather be dead than fight on one of those things . ’
24 ‘ Yeah , ’ said I. ‘ You got more important things to do than fight with your brother .
25 For example , he stumbles into this howler on the question of social security as cash , rather than provision in kind : ‘ Social security benefits have been introduced to make up for the withdrawal of more general provision : examples in the UK are free prescriptions ( introduced because prescription charges were introduced ’ ( my italics ) .
26 It is interesting that a fairly ad-hoc method of transformation ( Test 5 ) is in most respects more successful than division by a prime number .
27 Nobody has responded more positively to Newcastle United 's desperate plight than the striker who drew blanks on the big stage with West Ham and huffed-and-puffed little more than powder puff stuff at Leicester .
28 Nell Druce and Jenny Hammond , ‘ Sweeter than Honey ’ : Testimonies of Tigrayan Women , Links Publication , £6.95 ( pbk ) ; £19.95 ( hbk ) .
29 ‘ The gift of dhamma ’ , says one of the pithy sayings in the Dhamma-pada ( verses about dhamma ) , ‘ exceeds all gifts ; its sweetness exceeds all sweetness ’ ; reminding the Christian of Psalm 19 where the Torah , the Law of the Lord , is described as ‘ sweeter than honey ’ .
30 Any personal relationship is fostered by words , and through the pages of his Bible the Christian hears God speaking to him ; an experience , says the Psalmist , that is " sweeter than honey " .
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