Example sentences of "my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I use my PC for business and games , but I 'm becoming increasingly frustrated by the slow speed of some games .
2 They found most of the equipment to do just that in my flat when they searched it : an answer-machine , my PC and its modem ; another lead or two and it would have been easy to set it up if you knew what you were doing , or just used trial and error and were patient .
3 My PC manual says that I can add more memory in 2Mb modules .
4 I 've got two word processors on my PC — Word for Windows and Q&A .
5 Q : I bought my PC a month ago , so I do n't know very much about it yet .
6 As my PC has exactly this configuration , what does this mean to the uninitiated ?
7 Q : I 'm having problems installing Quarterdeck 's QRAM on my PC and would be grateful for your advice .
8 Given the resources of both my PC and printer , I 'm surprised at these delays .
9 I need to use a MIDI file to do this , which will play over the SoundBlaster Pro card in my PC ( and anybody else 's ) .
10 Find an appropriate means of learning about my PC — I have thought about evening classes — is this a good idea ?
11 If somebody offers a way of eliminating at least some of the spaghetti which lurks around my PC , they have my undivided attention .
12 I have checked my PC thoroughly , and I confirm that there is no trace of the above database on it under PARADOX .
13 Meantime I keep in touch with them By Quietwriter [ IBM ] : I bash my PC keyboard gaily and send them memos , three times daily . ]
14 Outside , in my strip of garden , the shrubs are tilted north-eastwards by the storming wind and bits of tree and deadwood waltz past on the surface of the spate .
15 Peach leaves being unavailable in my strip of London back garden , I used instead a few drops of real almond essence , towards the end of the cooking , when the juice and sugar are on the boil .
16 He tried to steal my strip on the Island ? ’
17 I turned my head and , partially blinded by my chaos of hair , saw Leon was kneeling naked at my back .
18 So we had this agreement I would al arrive in a removal van just as assembly finished to start the lessons in the morning and then my removal man would come back and pick me up again at twelve o'clock so that I could then do the two-man jobs .
19 ‘ Please believe me , this is my obstinacy — you are behaving honourably , honourably — I realise that I am jeopardising my chance of great happiness — but we know — both of us — there are times when the greatest danger has to be faced , the greatest risk taken because that small persistent voice will not allow us to escape our duty to ourselves .
20 The film was Snow White ; and I felt my sanity slipping until the moment when the queen metamorphosed into the witch .
21 And there , on his desk , was a hostage of my self-respect , my social reputation , and even my sanity .
22 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
23 The second place is that probably one of the reasons that physicians feel threatened by these kind of laws is that , without the law , I can cruise along and maintain my patients ' comfort and my sanity to the best of my ability .
24 For a few moments , I wondered if the sand and shingle had been brought from the coast to be used as a road surface , then I doubted my sanity in thinking that anyone would bring sand to the Sahara .
25 Personally , I am rather too fond of my sanity to risk it in this way .
26 I leave it all up to Rob as I blank out my mind and hang on to my sanity .
27 At the time , I was a member of the Young Communist League ( until I recovered my sanity ) .
28 ‘ Stephen saved my sanity
29 ‘ Stephen probably saved my life , and certainly saved my sanity because I was one sad lady , ’ says Barbara , referring to her traumatic divorce from Ronnie Knight , who was cleared of a murder charge and then deserted her for another woman .
30 ‘ I always felt , ’ she said , ‘ that life 's not worth living , that I could only contemplate little bits of it and keep my sanity ; and those bits I selected carefully — the sun on a breakfast-table , girls dressing , flowers … ’
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