Example sentences of "could [art] " in BNC.

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1 His aim in this was as far as possible to translate changes of tones into changes of colour , feeling that only by this method could the full saturation and pressure of colour be realized .
2 He suggests the army could no longer be used to drain off the unemployable proletariat by conscription , nor could the newly independent colonies be used to dump the troublesome of society ( see also Hughes 1987 ) .
3 But resemblance can not explain how a thinker could experience one object as standing for another ; for how could the fact that a particular datum is similar to other things mean anything to a thinker unless he experienced it as being like many others — that is , unless he grasped it , not just as a particular but as an instance of a kind ?
4 How could the English boy go on living now that he 'd been found out ?
5 The question had to be asked : could the purchase of new trains produce savings sufficient to cover the cost of servicing their capital costs as well as reducing the burden on the PSO ?
6 How could the ‘ right ’ people be identified ?
7 Could the Kenneth Branagh backlash be beginning ?
8 Nor could the courts cope , and there would be a deterioration in the public 's perception of the police as a result of the disjuncture with lay conceptions of legality .
9 How could the undiluted works of Kautsky and Engels appeal to this audience at a time when even party members at lower levels rarely understood the meaning of such concrete words as ‘ official ’ , ‘ categorical ’ , ‘ Plenum ’ , ‘ memorandum ’ , or ‘ territory ’ ?
10 How then could the meeting at Amsterdam pose as a meeting of Christendom when the largest Church in the world refused to have anything to do with it ?
11 But could the discussion do any good ?
12 It shows how the Word could give birth to commentators ’ words , as could the castrated Origen , but gives no acceptable explanation of how it could produce Origen .
13 Only after the social formation had been constructed could the evaluation of the role of institutions and values be undertaken in terms of the place of these consciously-realized phenomena in its working .
14 Neither could the evolutions of these institutions in themselves explain anything , since , in the perspective outlined above , these were mere side effects of a more fundamental order .
15 Could the product itself have given me dandruff ?
16 The EC could absorb the 16.5 million East Germans , if it came to that , more easily than it could the two countries whose applications already lie on the table in Brussels — Austria with her backward deck-cargo of neutrality , and Turkey , with her GDP well below that of Portugal .
17 So could the Portfolio work its passage in the average pocket ?
18 What Jane could never understand , looking back , was : if this was a successful example of British industry ( Queen 's Award for Export and all that ) , whatever could the unsuccessful ones be like ?
19 Neither could the boy .
20 Could the same thing happen with a single bite from an apple ?
21 And what heaven could the preacher offer that would compare with the joys of the long summer evenings , messing about in boats with other laughing boys and girls ?
22 Could the locals be protecting someone ?
23 How could the old man possibly have got there so fast ?
24 Or could the shape have been re-arranged by the fierce wind ?
25 What could the sensation of his persona being sucked from one house of flesh and fitted , circuit by circuit , into another possibly feel like ?
26 If St Paul could appeal to Caesar , so could the bishops opposed to Paul of Samosata .
27 But never could the Elbe be securely held until the Slavs across it , the Danes near the lower end of it , and the Bohemians on its upper reaches , were all tamed and Christianized .
28 Could the pagan or Christian cults be demonstrated to be the more correct , judged by practical effects in crops , fish , and health ?
29 If they were not glad , how could the war be justified ?
30 But neither could the players talk too much about the Grand Plan , for fear of looking like busybodies in another nation 's affairs .
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