Example sentences of "out [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition the companies are being accused of fishing out shrimp larvae from the sea , creating an acute shortage for fisherpeople .
2 BIG TICKET TO RIDE OUT RECESSION Behind every grim news report on the state of British business is the knock-on effect to the leasing industry .
3 Unburdening herself to her sister-in-law proved strangely cathartic , Virginia thought , as she haltingly finished a pared-down version of recent events , leaving out Mortimer , and a great deal of strictly private information besides .
4 The facts are that if you propose an idea , four times out of ten someone will take issue with it by pointing out snags and difficulties ( see Difficulty stating on page 52 ) .
5 Indeed he appeared to hold out the offer of an alliance with the radicals , insisting that there should be no split " among the democratic , progressive forces which are dedicated to carrying out transformations in society " .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co recently sent out pairs of natty sunglasses to the UK computer press bearing the message ‘ you 'll be needing these on May 5th , ’ ( well some of the poor loves must have thought things rather fetching as they were wearing them on Olivetti 's jaunt to Paris a couple of days later ) .
7 However , he ruled out attempts to formulate foreign policy by majority voting which , as he pointed out , would have been disastrous in the Gulf and which were reinforced by the failed attempts to mediate in Yugoslavia .
8 It has been known for developers to move in virtually overnight to demolish a building once they find out attempts are being made to list it .
9 Mrs Mary Knelle , whose car it was , drove through inky blackness , the headlights sometimes picking out signs stuck to telegraph poles .
10 Although naturally designed more to draw out signs of abnormality , they nevertheless demand similar mental operations , being open-ended procedures in which , for example , subjects are required to interpret proverbs or sort everyday objects in any way they prefer .
11 The pictures which led to such demand for the Daily Mirror that the Sold Out signs went up at newsagents all over the country .
12 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
13 But as they made their way towards the camp he had spoken only to point out signs of bird and animal life that he thought might interest her ; in the mud at the riverside , he showed her the pug mark of a tiger that had drunk there the previous evening and at another point on the trail he drew her attention to torn-up grasses and leafless trees that marked the passing of a herd of elephant .
14 FARMERS who regularly lease out milk quota could get even higher prices from dairy companies after the milk board system is dissolved .
15 A WORD of warning to those of you who 've taken out endowment mortgages in the past five years .
16 And then erm one afternoon we went in a dug out canoe erm to look for crocodiles and we did actually see them on the banks of the river as we were going down in our canoe , so that was quite exciting .
17 The Government are right not to rule out progress towards that , and to point out that a high degree of convergence of economies will be necessary before any single currency can be contemplated , agreed by this House , or sustained thereafter .
18 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
19 Yeah , you read it out Sarah .
20 No matter how long it took , she said , those who were left in South Ronaldsay would work out shifts on the various farms .
21 Western diplomats have concluded that the Soviet Union 's proposal to stage a ‘ Helsinki II ’ summit next year is primarily aimed at eliminating any ambiguities about the ‘ inner-German ’ frontier , and enshrining the existence of the two German states in the Helsinki Declaration in a way that would virtually rule out reunification .
22 The information only came out bit by bit since she 's still not easy in her mind about talking to us .
23 We went out bit like one of these er soap powder adverts which of these two objectives would you alright given the option to , decide that that is a a good training objective and which is n't so good ?
24 rules and regulations relating to arrival and check out times , methods of payment accepted , chance business , licensing for special functions etc. ;
25 they provide a basis for working out times , costs and resources involved in the project
26 They did bring out Times Small Ads and I did try and do a Bible in it but it did n't work .
27 During a lull in the shouting I made the tea , and as I was pouring the cups out Mum asked Dad what she should do .
28 No hi Bill he 's going out mum
29 Yeah , I can go out mum ?
30 I 'll get you sorted out mum .
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