Example sentences of "up against " in BNC.

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1 The biographer may come up against problems of concealment , both written records and works having been destroyed .
2 What the bishops and the politicians had come up against in the Mother and Child controversy was that this paternalistic conceptualization was intrinsically at odds with the common understanding of democracy .
3 It must be impossible to stand up against it , he wrote , impossible to draw breath before it .
4 Place high up against open sky and moving clouds and it is something else again .
5 Set it up against the window , he wrote .
6 For that you have to be up against the real thing .
7 The ladder could have been put up against the wall any time of night — ’
8 It was of the two of us leaning up against the Arch of Titus in Rome — we had bullied some fellow tourist into taking it for us .
9 Even the research listed by the ‘ independent ’ Police Foundation or undertaken at the University Centres for Criminological Research ( and largely dependent on government grants and funding by such bodies as the Economic and Social Research Council ) often comes up against the anti — intellectual bias which permeates all levels in police thinking ( Lewis 1976 ) .
10 He had come up against sterner stuff , however , and an assistant chief constable was called in to mediate and eventually agreed to send it on after the author urged that the editor of the magazine be allowed to decide ( fieldnotes 1988 ) .
11 Cameron and Menzies were squeezed back nearly into the house , and big Mary , finding herself hard up against Menzies , took his arm , cleared a space with a sideways butt of her hip , and twirled once round with him .
12 Stewart was suddenly violent , he backed away from Menzies , came up against the door , turned , and was gone .
13 This means , in turn , that the initial state of the learner must be as a possessor of vast battalions of hypotheses which are selected out as the child bumps up against the physical world and the human conceptual system .
14 But when she came up against Australia 's Michelle Jaggard , a more experienced player but by no means a world-beater , she struggled even to get a game .
15 At that time hardly anyone but Winters would have named Williams in the same breath as Eliot , and it is characteristic of Winters 's perversity ( or his independence ) that thirty years later , when it had become usual to set Williams up against Eliot , Winters 's opinion of Williams had long been much less favourable .
16 How , they argue , would Alice , or The Wind in the Willows , stand up against such scrutiny ?
17 But the Chancellor may be looking and hoping further ahead , to Friday 's US employment report and the possibility that a bit of a dollar rebound might haul the pound up against the mark .
18 ‘ We are up against a substantial amount of red tape , ’ O'Donovan said .
19 John Ferguson , the Canberra Raiders wing who lines up against Widnes tonight in the Foster 's World Club Challenge , is little known outside rugby league circles , but within the game he commands a whispered respect his more famous namesakes might envy .
20 Education Viewpoint : Who will stand up against the idea of student fees ?
21 It is a real moral aberration that leaves at liberty those who violated human dignity and those who rose up against the constitutional order . ’
22 During a jazzy quartet for the women , the company 's shambling clown is dangerously over-excited by one dancer 's leggy prowess , attempting to nuzzle up against her or to initiate a wildly mismatched pas de deux .
23 ‘ There are people who are ‘ smokers and proud of it ’ who are coming up against the trend that the rest of society wants to see . ’
24 It remains to be seen how the XM stacks up against traditional executive fare , but the chances are that it will be too exotic for the British palate .
25 It is over this that Heseltine bumps up against what is both his opportunity and his problem .
26 At the very least , he would have to reckon on the 21 votes in the Cabinet being stacked up against him .
27 Publishers are also being invited to pay for four or five copies of a magazine to be lined up against each other along a shelf , so the title appears to be a fast seller — a common US practice .
28 Another throw-back to the past was reported by the Roslavl' Party cell in January : at a volost' meeting an ex-member of the Kadet Party had spoken up against taxation .
29 They vary from the smallest tin shack propped up against a breakwater to the smartest yacht club in Cowes — but you will find the same enthusiasm for the sport in each .
30 In private Michael still had to keep his end up against attacks , that to be religious was to be a fool , though less frequently now because Frank travelled abroad and was away much of the time .
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