Example sentences of "so is " in BNC.

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1 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
2 The pretence that this is not so is what makes me sick , he wrote , when I look at the works of the past .
3 So is that what the big glass is perhaps ?
4 We are shattered and so is the garden .
5 This is clearly capable of causing eye injury and so is always penalised .
6 To do so is to help the opponent to win without his having to hit you with a single scoring technique .
7 The 5in faceplate is turned rather than cast , so is more accurate .
8 And so the last page or so is given over to French names : Corbière and Jammes and De Regnier ; Tailhade and Romains ; Vildrac , Spire and Arcos — poets who at the present day have few readers even among the French .
9 It takes time and effort for her to do this : constantly tapping her nose on the typewriter is exhausting , but then so is making her noises understood .
10 Darts is out , and so is gymnastics , once a feature .
11 The administration is an adept player and so is Congress .
12 So is the annual CND pop festival at Glastonbury .
13 By extension , so is the ANC , whose influence successive South African governments have attempted , frantically and quite without success , to wish away .
14 So is the next .
15 Another reason , of course , is that the 29-year-old Ohmachi is Japanese and so is Suntory , the company that sponsors the championship .
16 And if the vast preponderant mass of occult lore is finally seen as empty and meaningless , so is the book , in which case we are wasting our time .
17 This is high-minded and perhaps romantic , but so is the opposition : so are the large things that they want , like freedom and justice .
18 This block of data includes the index , and if the index is rendered useless then so is all the data on the hard disc .
19 The beer , for example , is rather good , so is the coffee .
20 The author of this memoir , while an undergraduate , once borrowed fourteen books about history from Edward Wynn and , on the way to return them , inadvertently dropped them all into the River Pem — and so is better placed than anyone to testify how good a man was Edward Wynn .
21 In ‘ Sweeney Erect ’ the modern seems closer to the savage Polyphemus than to Emerson , and the delight in attacking the nineteenth century is obvious ; but so is the tension between modern and ancient .
22 Heart [ leb ] here signifies the seat of thought , not emotion , so is more akin to ‘ mind ’ ; hence , to labour the analogy somewhat , law is written into identity and consciousness rather than heart in the modern sense .
23 So is Mrs Thatcher .
24 I do n't think it matters much what you study , but I think to do so is very important in terms of promoting the power to think about issues .
25 Snow conditions are perfect , and so is the view to Drangajökull .
26 So is it about time we got rid of this confusing tradition ?
27 We have already seen that it is common to feel tired about lunchtime ( the ‘ post-lunch dip ’ ) ; this is about 12 hours after retiring and so is another example of an ultradian rhythm with a period less than 24 hours .
28 Second , if a traveller goes eastwards halfway round the Earth he will have passed through 12 time zones and gained 12 hours with respect to GMT ; he will meet another traveller who has travelled westward and so is 12 time zones ( 12 hours ) behind GMT .
29 So is he — his job threatened by a challenger .
30 So is the continuation of its lease on Subic Bay and Clark Air Base .
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