Example sentences of "when a " in BNC.

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1 The case received wide publicity when a habeas corpus petition was upheld by two lower courts .
2 This is the occasion when a reader can visit the same show and make a personal assessment of how helpful the art critic has been .
3 ‘ Most people addicted to romancing are their own heroes ’ : when a second person enters the solitude in question , Louisa Stuart 's maxim becomes harder to apply .
4 In Take a girl like you a great sentence falls like the dew from heaven during one of the scenes in Amis when a terminally drunk man endures a sexual turmoil and fiasco , is stunned by a stunning but not very nice girl .
5 What he has to come out with is not initially clear , but it becomes clearer when a taste of gay night-life turns him off , and he trails back to his dull wife .
6 The theatre is ‘ larger than life ’ , not in terms of physical scale , but because movements and speech are comparatively emphatic and intense , even when a play simulates everyday natural surroundings .
7 But what I want to know is this — how come a Pakistani hot off the banana boat can get a mortgage when a decent cop with 25 years service in the force can not ?
8 It is the moment , he wrote , when a man suddenly realizes that there is no tomorrow , no second chance , only today , this chance , now .
9 As when a bloodied sword , by Vulcan 's skill
10 Their lives take a startling turn when a friend is murdered in the local park .
11 When a taxi driver is robbed by two wealthy women , he seeks revenge , outraged by the unjust crime and the refusal of the police to believe his story .
12 So we were surprised when a local entomologist advised us to put sacking around our fruit trees or straw round their bases to encourage the insect .
13 Most accidents happen when a cable break occurs close to the ground .
14 When a glider is being moved around the airfield , one person should take charge of the whole operation and be responsible for the safety of the aircraft .
15 When a blow-over does occur , you will always hear the people concerned state , quite truthfully : ‘ Up to that time the wind had been quite acceptable and then there was this bad gust …
16 When a glider is on the ground it does not pivot around its c.g. as it does in flight .
17 When a glider recovers so easily , a rapid movement forward on the stick often results in a very steep recovery and a high speed dive .
18 Aims to predict ovulation — when a woman is most fertile .
19 When a pregnant woman drinks , the alcohol that enters her bloodstream passes into her baby 's bloodstream as well .
20 A chief constable is perfectly entitled to insist on being informed when a member of his force writes to the press on matters appertaining to his force .
21 And at this point when a range of established values were under scrutiny , the body was made to carry a new symbolic load which reflected the change from the social conformity of the previous decades .
22 And the exhibition would be important , she told herself , when a flow of desire swept her away at the thought of being with Lucy , time allotted to their togetherness .
23 She was skirting the moving foam , a foot away , and jumped sideways when a wave overreached .
24 A less obvious example of this failure to take protective measures occurs when a contestant believes that a scoring technique has been delivered , and so disengages and dances around the area waving a fist in the air .
25 March when a laird 's son gives an order ?
26 When a larger group came tramping in behind a piper , Cameron and Menzies recognized some stalwarts from Foss on Tummel .
27 For his abilities and interests had been felt throughout the land , and had touched Palestine itself ; the day would not be far distant when a woodland would be dedicated to him , the Lyon Cohen Memorial Grove , at Kadesh Naftali , south of Jerusalem .
28 No Talmudic saying was nearer to him than that at the end of the Kiddushin : ‘ When a man faces his Maker , he will have to account for those ( God-given ) pleasures of life which he failed to enjoy , ’ and the Mezeritzer Rabbi commented , albeit a little more warily , ‘ You may reach a compromise between evil and good by enjoying legitimate bodily pleasure and serving God at the same time . ’
29 When a quotation is followed by an attributive phrase , the comma is placed within the quotation marks .
30 This word universal is never the name of anything existent in nature , nor of any idea or phantasm found in the mind [ my italics ] , but always the name of some word or name ; so that when a living creature , a stone , a spirit , or any other thing , is said to be universal , it is not to be understood that any man , stone etc. , ever was or can be universal , but only that the words , living creature , stone , etc. , are universal names , that is , names common to many things ; and the conceptions answering them in the mind are the images and phantasms of several living creatures or other things .
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