Example sentences of "do do " in BNC.

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1 Amnesty 's mandate what , what the do n't do , or do do .
2 Well I 'm prepared to say th th that I that I think that we do do good practice in that we do sit down with the children and help them , each individual along with the with our joint statements .
3 course work and base ma ma ma er do do something along the lines of spelling .
4 What we do do for our residents is employ a welfare benefit service so that they can maximise the er the housing benefit section that that they 're eligible for to make the po properties as affordable as as they can be .
5 Concussion will lead us very nicely onto compression and if anybody in your place of work has a head injury at all a knock on their head and they say , most people do do n't they ?
6 Do do you celebrate Saint Andrews day ?
7 And sixty two of you said no , I mean , are any of you er , do do any of you impose the stigma of being a smoker on other people ?
8 All we say is that just be a little bit more considerate about when you do do it .
9 They often do do n't they ?
10 Yes I mean we do do
11 No no I 've been on one and they do do it properly .
12 Do do the other authorities pick up that automatically ?
13 They should say what we do do .
14 Do do you want to take them , or or shall I remind you of what the headings were ?
15 We we usually do do the Rutter one , which begins with a horn solo , which
16 Is it you know in terms of erm in the flats f erm is there any how how do people you know of different you know white and coloured people do do they get on o okay or is or is there is there a problem there or not ?
17 I mean I know how some of them do do it .
18 Do do more writing and trying things and reading at the moment .
19 Do you What do you do do you know if erm if you ever want to get to a phone to see a doctor or wh to get to a the doctor
20 Well li what what happens , does the the the crime just vanish or does it move somewhere else , do do do do the problems move around ?
21 Well li what what happens , does the the the crime just vanish or does it move somewhere else , do do do do the problems move around ?
22 Well li what what happens , does the the the crime just vanish or does it move somewhere else , do do do do the problems move around ?
23 How you know , w what kind of views do do people have ?
24 Well you do do n't you ?
25 You could be providing meals for them , I dare say they do do they , with child ?
26 I , we 're not , I do n't know whether you 've got , we could say we were activists , we do n't , I do n't even know who goes on a march or anything , but we do do our best for anything we support and get signatures for anything they ask us to .
27 Do do you still do this title an all ?
28 m measure what we do do , Sue , I think the part My observation is , that there 's too few of us doing it .
29 We do do things well , generally speaking , in Stockport .
30 I think we can do that and I think it 's important that we do do that .
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