Example sentences of "do need " in BNC.

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1 Becoming an actor has to be thought of in realistic terms right from the beginning and all possible problems do need to be faced .
2 But you do need to do good voice and movement workouts — it 's like going back to the keyboard for a musician .
3 Plants that do need sunlight may survive in shade for a while , directing their energies to growing rapidly towards the light essential for their flowering and seed production .
4 Smoke alarms need very little maintenance , but they do need to be tested regularly to make sure they are in good working order .
5 I certainly would not want to attempt a summary of the route we have taken all the way from the mind-body problem to children trying to win chocolates ; but I do need to make some concluding comments to justify the bold claim in the first paragraph that constructivism makes the mind-body problem less intractable .
6 While telecottages should become self-financing once established , they do need initial subsidy .
7 But we do need to remember the great cost of exercising our right to have double standards and also to ask ourselves whether expenditure to make us extremely safe from one form of risk may not sometimes make us more vulnerable to others .
8 It is such a complicated thing to try and do , you do need the support of the medical profession and of the managers of the health service and of the public , and you 'll get it more effectively if they can see by example what you 're trying to do comprehensively . ’
9 ‘ It is such a complicated thing to try and do , you do need the support of the medical profession and of the managers of the Health Service , and of the public , and you 'll get it more effectively if they can see by example what you 're trying to do comprehensively . ’
10 How I do need to look away from self to God , I can only find satisfaction : in him .
11 Well , we do need someone , he said .
12 I also think that apart from the corporate plan , the strategy and the mission statement , you really do need to give some vision about the future of your company and a vision in which those working with you can share .
13 However , for the best effect , you do need to work out the right size and shape for your arrangement , choose appropriate containers and know which colours of flowers go well together .
14 Some things can be done without it but we do need money .
15 Western diplomats in Luanda scoff at that figure , though they admit that many do need help .
16 I was beginning to get fed up with men and their tantrums but I do need a strong arm about , I 'm no good with a battleaxe like Boudicca .
17 I think we really do need a well-known patron to get our work recognised , preferably somebody who loves Labradors !
18 However , they do need strong wire supports and careful training .
19 ‘ They do need money , you know .
20 Of course , you do need to monitor people once they have been given their tasks .
21 But investors do need to be wary of new-style income shares — such as those issued by Olim Convertible , Kleinwort High Income and Edinburgh Income — which rely more heavily on growth in the underlying assets to prevent substantial capital loss .
22 While vegetables generally have the capacity to germinate soon after spring sowing , however low the temperature drops , flower seeds , also due for sowing soon on adjacent land to provide cut flowers during the summer , do need more warmth to get going .
23 We do need to learn some more fiscal discipline in the United Kingdom .
24 They do need an acid leafy soil , but they score over rhododendrons through being much more tolerant of dry summers , as the past three seasons have demonstrated .
25 I sometimes find that this method does away with the need to find a new remedy for the acute picture — remember the patient should respond within hours in acute situations so you 'll be able to determine whether the new symptoms are responding or whether you do need a different medicine .
26 There does need to be some organisation and structure , teachers do need time to organise their classrooms before the start of school and no one really wants to engage in long discussions when there are children to be settled and registers to be marked .
27 But we do need a public forum in which the issues can be argued out without the sloganising that tends to characterise so many Parliamentary debates on complex issues .
28 We really do need a whole new approach to the job . ’
29 And I do need you .
30 Hence , we do need to think about how we will deal with the situation if the Government rides roughshod over all informed opinion and ceases to fund the fifth year of full-time education .
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