Example sentences of "so great " in BNC.

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1 Problems of authenticity are not so great or modern art as for other periods , even if a gifted forger like the painter Elmir de Horty can fool some of the people for some of the time .
2 Had to take twenty aspirin a day for ten years the pain was so great .
3 The guards are removed so great care has to be taken and hands kept well clear of the blade ( below left and right ) .
4 The variation between English-language speakers about what syllables , in effect what vowels , they treat as long or short , is so great that there can be no question of imposing on English verse a quantitative metre such as was used for ancient Latin ( doubtless with some strain for those who spoke classical Latin with dialectal variations as to quantity ) .
5 But the threatened drop in readership for 1990 is now so great that the the authorities have extended the date by a month .
6 The professor believes the potential damage is so great there is a temptation for suspects to plea bargain .
7 The Chancellor had left Blackpool late on Monday night , after addressing party agents , but conference jitters were so great that his unexpected disappearance prompted rumours that he had gone back to London for crisis talks .
8 If this were true of him , and if the animal stamina demanded of a Secretary of State were so great , did n't that disqualify good men who lacked only that stamina ?
9 The pressure was still so great by 1924 that 40 per cent of all urban youths under the age of 18 were unemployed .
10 Who was he , this dark and secret lover who had inflamed her with so great a passion ?
11 In the naked fear of falling in a space so huge that she did not know whether she was falling up or down , inward or outward , she met a fear so great that it burned away forever all the other fears .
12 The most fundamental difference to me has always been that the private sector is so much more dynamic — the rate of change is so great .
13 By 1971 , the tension was so great that Kapwepwe broke with Kaunda and formed the United People 's Party ( UPP ) which depended on a flimsy alliance between the Bemba and other tribal groups who at that time felt they were out in the political cold .
14 In practice , by 1975 , the resistance to this approach proved so great that settlement was the real objective , with the justification that farming families could be supported in every way — agriculturally , medically and educationally — much more effectively on a group basis .
15 BW 's chief fisheries officer Tom Leatherland said : ‘ Until this week I had no idea that the mink problem was so great on the Macclesfield Canal , the most northerly point we have had the animals reported to us .
16 For pregnant women , or those who have just had babies , the pressures are sometimes so great that they become mentally disturbed .
17 The demand from the public for football was so great , the FA and the League had no need to ‘ sell ’ the game .
18 ‘ This is the most decisive phase of South African history and it is crucial that the New Nation should not be closed , because the political impact of information on our people is so great , ’ Mr Sisulu said yesterday .
19 The changes required are not so great that it should be rejected outright .
20 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
21 By this time , we got the impression that the gulf between Walworth Road and Streatham was so great , it was like trying to control unruly hill tribes beyond Hadrian 's Wall .
22 It was so great to have your personal limousine .
23 Carbon dioxide will be the supreme test of commitment and anti-pollution technology , but , as has been noted before , it is so omnipresent , its natural cycle so great and its sources and sinks so difficult to determine accurately ( one assessment in early 1990 downgraded the amount mopped up by the oceans by 50 per cent but came to no firm conclusion about where the unaccounted for remainder went ) , so closely linked with economic growth and its man-made sources so hard and expensive to restrain that it is difficult to imagine a protocol which will be globally effective .
24 Studies were put in hand to see whether it would be practicable to deploy Blue Streak in hardened underground silos in the Welsh mountains or the Scottish highlands , but the cost was found to be so great that it would have beggared the Defence Vote , making the restoration of more efficient conventional forces impossible .
25 Even with this care , however , so great are the quantities of drift-net in use that the loss of some of the millions of kilometres of netting deployed each year is inevitable .
26 So far the shopkeepers are surviving , because demand is so great , but few are yet admitting to doing anything other than breaking even .
27 On October 6 , he wrote her a letter : ‘ Dear Susan , Never have I known a love so great , nor suffered so greatly love 's penalty …
28 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
29 The contemporary concern was so great that a Royal Commission on Population was set up in 1944 to examine the problem of Britain 's declining rate of population growth .
30 However , these arguments are not particularly strong , for , if the inference of fault is so great , why not include a requirement of proof of fault , at least at the level of subjective recklessness ?
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