Example sentences of "so [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We could by measurement give a numerical specification of each of the parts of the causal circumstance-the operation of the heater , its relative location , and so on-and also such a specification of the effect .
2 In 1853 this became the Liberation Society and nearly fifty years later , Joseph Parker said in the midst of his speech on reorganizing the Congregational Union , ‘ Every Council of Free Churches is an auxiliary of that Society [ Liberation Society ] , whether nominally so or not ’ .
3 Harris finished and the packed courtroom sat in pregnant silence waiting for Philip Drew to take the stand , remembering that it was his prerogative whether he did so or not .
4 However , I am not personally aware of any research revealing that adult British people of either sex or any size can live on 1,000 calories daily without shedding weight , whether they are aiming to do so or not .
5 I 'd decided to go whether he did so or not .
6 In a few cases where a horn has been removed this can be proved by stating so or by an admission on the part of the defendant .
7 If our inclinations are to intervene , should we do so or resist them as sentimental ?
8 Harpin does , incidentally , offer working definitions for sentence division in a text that has multiple coordination ( i.e. strings of clauses joined by and or and so or and then ) which is , of course , a highly typical feature of the writing of children in junior schools .
9 Or there are weaker forms of behaviourism which attempt to make allowances for concealed mental states ; for instance , one might hold that my being in pain in my knee is for me to be disposed to behave in a certain way , whether I actually do so or not .
10 Yet the judge left as alternative verdicts open to the jury , guilty of causing grievous bodily harm , contrary to section 20 or guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm , contrary to section 47 , without indicating to counsel his intention of doing so or giving the defence the opportunity to deal with such alternatives .
11 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
12 But very few had ever been to sea or had any desire to do so or had anything in common with seamen .
13 It 's a really good job whether yo sa sa say so or not !
14 Yeah I would s I would guess so or I would think so as well .
15 Whether that is so or not , the English village is , I believe , among the pleasantest and most places that men have ever built to live in , and certainly it has a physical character and appearance that is strongly its own .
16 Whether it is so or not is a question of construction of the particular statute concerned .
17 Erm , so if anybody would like to erm put their hand up that would like to go to Denman this coming year er , please do so or let Margaret know .
18 That this has not come about indicates either that everyone benefits from the system — which pluralist writers show is patently not so or that the democratic and neutral state is in fact nothing of the sort and that the scope for reform is severely limited .
19 Whether they do so or not depends simply on the decisions which teachers , headteachers , local authority officers and elected members choose to make .
20 4.16 If you are handling cash , however small the amount , and you are not sure if there is an need for you to do so or you can think of an alternative method which will dispense with the need for you to carry cash in the course of your work , you should let your line supervisor know .
21 But , whether he can be allowed to say so or not , the plaintiff does not say so here .
22 Stein 's book may have influenced the initial formulation of Marx 's conception of the proletariat in capitalist society ( Avineri , 1972 , pp. 53–5 ) , but whether that is so or not it did undoubtedly express in a very clear and forceful way ideas which were widely held about the dominant political issues in nineteenth-century European societies ; to such an extent that the social movement came to be largely identified , especially in Germany , with the labour movement .
23 Yes and er we used to have about two hundred three hundred birds on the for the shooting and then perhaps about a hundred and fifty or so or something like that on the second .
24 Nowadays you are careful to address Interpreter Ni , Professor Chen and Party Secretary Yang by their handle as well as their name — and can cause serious insult by forgetting to do so or by introducing them to each other in the wrong order .
25 He should take responsibility for doing so or accept responsibility for his party 's vote at the next election , when Labour will be returned .
26 The fact that growing numbers of students are making the personal decision to go into higher education each year suggests strongly that our system of student support , far from providing a deterrent , is encouraging more people to go into higher education , who perhaps would not have had the confidence to do so or the belief that it is appropriate for them .
27 Moving closer to home , on the offence of causing death by dangerous or drunken driving , the hon. Member for Huddersfield referred to the Road Traffic Act 1991 , whereby an offender will be found guilty if he drives dangerously , thereby causing someone 's death , whether or not he intended to do so or even knew about it .
28 The relevant form is 20 pages long and contains more than 50 questions , and the 1 million people a year who labour to fill it in often fail to do so or are helped by relatives and friends ; 100,000 go to the citizens advice bureaux for help .
29 It is an offence under Section 47(2) to do any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression as to the market price or value of any investments if the purpose is to create that impression and thereby induce another person to acquire , dispose of , subscribe for or underwrite those investments or to refrain from doing so or to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights conferred by those investments .
30 Failure to do so or failure to attend Court on said date may result in the appeal being dismissed .
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