Example sentences of "as water " in BNC.

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1 Certain qualities are in OPPOSITION to others , water can not exist as water and as ice at the same time .
2 Hotel swimming pools also fall within the framework of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations ( COSHH ) which require that exposure to substances hazardous to health , such as water disinfectants , is either prevented or adequately controlled .
3 Here I see few flowers , save such as water bubbles , though the fields & country generally are the richest I have ever seen .
4 A loud juddering sound occurring when a tap is turned off or a ball-valve shuts is known as water hammer .
5 Fit the alternator in the dynamo position as water will not harm it .
6 It contains a number of impurities the sum of which are known as water hardness salts .
7 The inability of water to penetrate is the result of a phenomenon known as water tension .
8 In other industries a preliminary grouping would be the distinction between water soluble and water insoluble soils but in food industries all soils can be regarded as water insoluble .
9 The blue-winged olive nymph lives among weeds such as water crowfoot .
10 There are whole areas here , Donald , where basic facilities such as water , for example , are in very poor supply or simply do n't exist at all .
11 Islanders see it as water intermittently disrupted by unsightly deposits of earth .
12 The aura is the radiant life-force surrounding all living and so called non-living substances of the Earth , such as water and rocks .
13 The dissemination of information in the event of an incident is dealt with at three levels : the first is the normal system of press notices ; the second is the use of teletext and viewdata ( Ceefax and Prestel ) to get direct to members of the public at their homes or places of work ; the third is the use of Telecom Gold electronic mail to get more technical details to various official bodies , such as water authorities ( Jackson 1989 ) .
14 In the 1970s there were already some moves in this direction , reflected in the formation of regional agencies , such as water authorities and health authorities ( Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 , Ch. 7 ) .
15 It is more commonly known today as water gas .
16 On the other hand , room temperature acoustic microscopy with a harmless coupling medium such as water seems not to interfere with the processes of life .
17 Electricity companies use it to switch off certain loads , such as water heaters , at times of peak demand .
18 Without fish , insects become the dominant species and acid-loving insects , such as water boatmen , proliferate .
19 Should this happen , the baby can develop severe symptoms , such as water on the brain ( hydrocephalus ) ; brain damage which can cause mental handicap and epilepsy ; and eye damage which can cause partial loss of sight and sometimes blindness .
20 If buckets are used to fill the pool , they can be counted and discussions about empty and full will develop as water is transferred from one to the other .
21 Unless the Community has enacted legislation to apply the competition rules specifically to the activities of such undertakings , as it has recently done in the telecommunications sector , many public utilities such as water authorities , state postal services or state railways fall outside the competition rules .
22 Weak as water , if you ask me . ’
23 Please could you give me some information on the Emperor Tetra , such as water conditions and how to breed them ?
24 Kumbha is a container or pot in which to place generative substances such as water , the source of life , etc .
25 Plucky little Ann McDonald from Scotland has spina bifida and hydroencephalus , commonly known as water on the brain .
26 The patterns could be analysed in terms of a number of factors , such as water , fuel , arable land , pasture , the needs of defence .
27 Start drinking plenty of bland liquids such as water , milk , weak tea or orange squash ( not orange juice or carbonated drinks ) , and aim to drink at least eight pints a day .
28 Bleak and lonely they may be , but they are covered with lakes and pools which house frogs , toads , newts , eels and freshwater fish , while on the banks you 'll find vermin such as water rats , stoats , weasels and the like .
29 Check for any potential pests , such as Water Tigers , Dragonfly larvae , etc .
30 The tri-county area shares various services such as water and sewage , parks and recreation , transport , education and utilities .
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