Example sentences of "as [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 There was also the smoking mixture described as Cavalry Extra Special , Cool and Fragrant , quarter- and half-pound tins .
2 The survivors returned to Alexandria to refit as cavalry and received replacements from the County .
3 Both Rennenkampf and Samsonov had distinguished military records as cavalry commanders in Manchuria , but they had quarrelled and become bitter enemies .
4 If such a geographical distribution holds good then O. fraterna should be treated as subspecies distinguished from O. bidentata bidentata by the nearly bell shaped dorsal arm plates which are sometimes contiguous on proximal arm segments and by the ventral arm plates which are notched on the distal edge .
5 This number was converted into a percentage using the wild-type or heterozygous littermates as 100% .
6 The initial velocity of Na + influx in the presence of 10nM Ca 2+ but in the absence of calmodulin was designated as 100% activity .
7 DNA was prepared , transfected into undifferentiated F9 cells and the CAT reporter activities were calculated , taking the wild type values as 100% .
8 The activity of the wild type recombinant , containing 3,200 bp of the upstream promoter region , was taken as 100% ; CAT activities were compared to the wild type .
9 Recombinant Δ1 , containing 741 nucleotides of the promoter region ( see Fig.1 ) , was mutated by site-directed mutagenesis either in footprint I or in region III following the mutation scheme depicted in panel A. Mutated DNAs were transfected into F9 cells and the relative CAT reporter activity was calculated taking recombinant Δ1 wild type as 100% .
10 Relative activity indicates the values compared to plasmid pBLcat2 taken as 100% .
11 The transcription products were quantitated by densitometry ; P A2b activity is expressed in each case relative to that observed with supercoiled DNA at the lowest ionic strength assayed , which is considered as 100% .
12 A comparison of the three types of system is possible , using the mean values of each parameter and taking the ‘ 29th edition ’ performance as 100% in each case .
13 All patients were treated with omeprazole 40 mg/day for a median duration of 12 weeks ( range 8–23 ) , at which time endoscopy showed complete healing of oesophagitis , defined as 100% re-epithelialisation of the oesophageal mucosa .
14 Gall bladder volumes are expressed in cm 3 or as percentages , considering the gall bladder volume at the start of the infusion of CCK-33 as 100% ( zero minutes ) .
15 Trees such as Sorbus aucuparia serve the all-seasons garden well with spring flowers , abundant autumn berries and bright foliage colours .
16 I , ( 5 ) ) and K.8 and K.9 ( published as op.II ) .
17 The former , as we have been seeing , are ideas of material things , such as sheep , or of kinds of material stuff , such as gold .
18 As well as demonstrations of country crafts , such as sheep shearing , hedge laying , stonewalling and spinning , there were opportunities for people to participate in activities ranging from bug-hunting to searching for gold .
19 It should have wards or stalls for larger animals , and pens for small animals such as sheep or dogs .
20 It is the oxygen link which is broken by the enzymes in the stomachs of animals , such as sheep and cows , which can digest cellulose and by the various fungi or rots which attack wood .
21 Alternatively , by resting pasture or grazing it with another host , such as sheep , which are not susceptible to O. ostertagi , until most of the existing L3 on the pasture have died out .
22 It means that lambs which have lost their parents , for reasons such as sheep worrying by dogs , can quickly be given a new mother .
23 Speaking at the opening of the event on a misty morning NSA Wales and Borders chairman Andrew Jones said : ‘ We as sheep farmers have been in the mist for some time , but lets hope that the outlook is much better and that there are better days to come . ’
24 They include an incredible diversity of well known groups such as jellyfish , worms , sea-urchins and snails .
25 The purpose of the expedition was to collect and count gelatinous zooplankton such as jellyfish , comb jellies and other types of life in the open ocean .
26 The National Coal Board 's losses were stated as £428 million .
27 Start off , indoors or under cover , half-hardy annuals that need a long growing season , such as Begonia semperflorens , gloxinias , trailing lobelias for hanging baskets , and pelargoniums .
28 Once spring is over , Connie plants a riotous assembly of summer bedding plants , such as godetia , petunias and mallow among roses and perennials
29 This is calculated as ths ( i.e. ) of the net dividend paid , , which is , of course , the same as ths of the gross dividend paid . .
30 The broadcasters ' costs up to the end of July 1990 were estimated as £595,000 , equivalent to approximately £20,000 per week .
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