Example sentences of "can still " in BNC.

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1 If you wish to give a capital sum to ACET ( e.g. from an inheritance your have received ) or an amount of money that exceeds your taxable for the tax year of the gift , ACET can still get tax relief on your gift if you enter into a Deposited Covenant arrangement .
2 If there is an element of design on Pechorin 's part in the duel he fights , an element which incorporates a knowledge of the loaded dice to be employed by his opponent in the form of an unloaded pistol , the outcome can still be ascribed to chance , in a sense that must be meant to characterise the hero 's fine indifference .
3 In a village near Amiens , I found a shop where you can still get tea , and enough cakes to make a schoolboy sick for a week .
4 The design of interiors … are as valid today as they were in earlier times — the vaults , snugs , parlours , each with their own character , can still provide a pleasant , varied atmosphere ’ .
5 I can still remember how good that coffee tasted , and how different it tasted from the common-room coffee I was used to .
6 I can still see myself sitting there , relaxed and comforted by the warm drink , and then there was that moment when I decided I would resign .
7 I can still remember the click of the latch as she shut the door behind her .
8 I know about this bit from a telephone call from John — and I can still remember the click as the line went dead at the end of that conversation .
9 Though such drastic and dangerous procedures as nicotine fumigation may be a thing of the past , today 's organic gardener can still learn much from Harry Dodson 's traditional methods of pest control .
10 A man and woman who do not want to have a baby can still enjoy lovemaking if they make sure the egg and sperm never meet , or if the egg is prevented from settling in the womb .
11 Today , the detectives on the shoplifting squads , the burglary teams , and the crime squads are casual , but are still clean and orderly ( ‘ prigs ’ assert they can still spot ‘ a horney ’ because of his tidy style and his shoes ) .
12 Where the points score is equal , a decision can still be given if the panel thinks that one contestant used better techniques , used a greater variety of effective techniques , or made more of the running .
13 While you can still hit the opponent with any one of your body weapons he , in effect , has turned away from you and can launch no direct attack without first twisting to face you .
14 Even if the slide is not feasible , you can still throw your centre of gravity forward , so that weight increases on the leading leg .
15 You will have now moved out of line , yet you can still punch strongly into the opponent who , in consequence , is forced to turn towards you .
16 It therefore follows that even if you are two points ahead at the 30 seconds ' bell , the opponent can still pull these back and take the final point to win .
17 ‘ We can still be friends .
18 However they can still read a very high percentage of pre-morbidly familiar words accurately , regardless of their spelling .
19 Anyone using steel backs to their shoes can still do this .
20 But they can still be loan-tied , which means the nationals will still effectively control these outlets .
21 The dinosaurs can have Scafell until they die out , then if anyone can still be bothered to walk ( ! ) up there , I 'm sure a line or two of bolts would n't go amiss .
22 Once the definition has changed ( and that was before publication of the guide ) then the criticism of the style of ascent could have been dropped , but of course it was not , and can still be seen amidst ascents where the rock is scarcely touched .
23 Academics can still write evaluative criticism of course , and in so far as they do they are producing the kind of criticism practised by men of letters .
24 The story is an intricate one , as Herbert Schneidau acknowledges ; and Pound 's holding out against Ford for the Dantesque principle of a ‘ curial ’ diction ( see his introduction to the poems of Lionel Johnson ) represents to my mind an objection that can still be raised to Ford 's principles of diction , salutary as Ford 's polemics undoubtedly were for Pound at this time .
25 The question can still be raised whether Pound had any access to Virgil except through translation .
26 Occasional gunshots can still be heard , though no one seems to know who fires the guns and if anyone is hit .
27 Nicholas Soames , the aristocratically toned and booming Tory MP for Crawley , can still make him stumble at the despatch box by muttering ‘ Another G and T , Giovanni ’ .
28 The position is changing rapidly , but they can still be powerful , behind-the-scene figures .
29 Sport can still pull an armchair crowd .
30 Inside , one can still see the Map Room , where Churchill used to study the progress of the war , the Cabinet Room where many of the Second World War 's most important decisions were made , and Churchill 's personal accommodation from which he made several of his wartime broadcasts .
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