Example sentences of "if a " in BNC.

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1 It does not need a lawyer either to draw up any document or to advise you although you may wish to consult a professional adviser if a particularly large sum is involved or if there are complicated conditions surrounding the gift .
2 If a nonresident wishes to make a tax effective gift out of UK source income he should use a Deed of Covenant .
3 The government subsequently announced to the press that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ by AI .
4 The government subsequently announced that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ .
5 If a critic has a very decided political or religious point of view , this can override other considerations in judgements about art ; the viewpoint may also give a bias to the description or interpretation made .
6 If a scholar authenticated a work as by a major artist , then its price was certain to be higher .
7 Problems of authenticity are not so great or modern art as for other periods , even if a gifted forger like the painter Elmir de Horty can fool some of the people for some of the time .
8 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
9 And it has been said that local authorities are not always very sympathetic to acting as a choice of career and sometimes obtaining a grant may be more difficult if a student has evidently changed his or her career tack .
10 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
11 If a man of such convictions felt it necessary to follow this course , how much more would have his religiously devoted colleagues .
12 Blake , he wrote , If a fool persist in his folly , etc .
13 If a work is bigger than a man , he wrote , it can mean either that it is trying to surpass man or that it is not afraid of being looked at .
14 If a wake-up attempt fails , an alarm report will be printed out .
15 ‘ Be pretty funny if a gardener 's ladder did n't have earth on it , ’ commented Cook .
16 The answer is to choose the new ‘ Bountiful ’ , similar if a touch sweeter , instead .
17 If a glider was blown over with someone sitting inside it unstrapped , that person could be killed .
18 Finally , remember that if a cold front is due in the summer-time , it may be preceded by some hours by a line of unpredicted severe squalls and storms .
19 If a trailer begins to ‘ snake ’ , the swinging often develops so quickly that within seconds there is no way of stopping it and avoiding going right off the road .
20 This can easily be avoided if a simple , systematic check is followed .
21 Moreover , if a pilot decides not to launch in a situation like this , he must never be overruled or criticised for playing it safe .
22 If a break does occur the wire tends to coil up , and it is easy to make the mistake of just tying the broken ends together and towing it straight back to the launch point for the next launch .
23 If a loop in the cable is overlooked , it becomes a small kink and it will fail on the very next launch .
24 Special care must always be taken during the climb away if single-strand wire is being used , because there is no sudden jerk or noise if a kink breaks early on the launch .
25 If a cable break occurs just after the glider has left the ground , care must be taken not to overdo the lowering of the nose and fly into the ground .
26 If this happens he will change the angle of climb automatically as the glider starts to gain height , and he will continue to pull it higher for a few seconds even if a power failure has occurred .
27 Higher up on the launch the drill should be : lower the nose into the approach attitude ; release the cable ; assess if a landing ahead is practical .
28 A minimum safe speed for most gliders is the minimum cruising speed , but this is only safe at height , where there is time for recovery if a stall occurs .
29 If a decision is made to abandon the launch at height , it is safer to release first and then to lower the nose , as this prevents the risk of the cable parachute opening and flying up over the aircraft .
30 If a bad undershoot seems inevitable , again prompt action is needed rather than waiting to see what happens and how far you get .
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