Example sentences of "been taken " in BNC.

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1 Her family heard she had been taken to the Regional Command Military camp in Legaspi City .
2 Such caution is prudent in a business where errors of judgement can be extremely expensive ; at least the reader of an auction catalogue knows clearly what view has been taken by the cataloguer on a number of questions .
3 His early comedies might have been taken to represent an unheard-of civility from the back of beyond .
4 This has been taken to mean that teaching children together with the aid of a definite programme to reduce prejudice would not work , thus invalidating any proposed integration of schooling .
5 And whether anyone else had been taken ill . ’
6 Their place has been taken by a row of ‘ Argenta ’ leeks raised in the seed bed and dibbled into 6in holes spaced about a foot apart .
7 If not during a period , then adequate contraceptive measures must have been taken since the last period , such as the pill , or sheath , or cap with spermicide , used on every occasion .
8 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
9 When the officer said , ‘ You will be charged with sedition , over and above the mobbing , but in certain circumstances that might not be pressed , ’ Cameron distressed himself by making a small , indefinite sound which could well have been taken for agreement .
10 Our second meeting , once the regulative café au lait had been taken and a strenuous five hours of talk had been put behind us , was concluded by a guided tour of his beloved Montreal , whose night-time allurements were enthusiastically described in a car hired for the occasion , and concluded by a celebratory meal at one of his favourite Indian restaurants , toasting each other 's health and futures in an excellent Chablis .
11 The following Saturday she agreed , at least , to go with him but then all she did was pick holes : ‘ Carpet 's frayed , ’ she said , after inspecting an apparently immaculate place in Muswell Hill ; ‘ Too far from the shops , ’ of a modern luxury development on the prestigious fringes of Hampstead Heath ; and of the one he 'd had real hopes for , a newly-converted maisonette over towards Crouch End — ‘ original features all been taken out .
12 This bought another East End brewery into the family tree , the Wenlock Brewery , in Wenlock Road , Shoreditch , just off the City Road , which had been taken over by Bass in 1961 and closed the following year .
13 Before that , however , in 1958 , the year the Albion brewery celebrated its 150th anniversary , Mann Crossman and Paulin had been taken over by Watney 's .
14 For Norris the provocative sloganistic phrases by which Derrida is best known will make true sense only when restored to the contexts from which they have been taken .
15 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
16 After he has made his first claim for Landor , Pound writes two paragraphs of the sort that have provoked near-apoplexy , because they have not been taken in the spirit that Pound intended :
17 I 've already experienced a full life and now it 's been taken away . ’
18 Thailand claims the Vietnamese withdrawal was not genuine , and on Monday a Foreign Ministry spokesman , Prachyadavi Tavedikul , said reporters would be shown five Vietnamese in Cambodian Army uniforms who had been taken prisoner by Khmer Rouge resistance guerrillas after Hanoi 's withdrawal deadline of 26 September .
19 ‘ In such a phase , where final decisions have not been taken , nobody can say anything is for sure , ’ Mr Saeger said .
20 The survey was conducted before base rates rose to 15 per cent , and Dun and Bradstreet suggest that its findings might have been even bleaker had the poll been taken after the move .
21 Something like a third of the increase has been taken up in higher prices , with the prices of some capital goods , such as houses , actually doubling .
22 However , both the Turin police headquarters and the anti-terrorist squad said they knew of no particular cause for alarm and that only normal security measures had been taken .
23 No decision has been taken but he argues few countries include them , that they obscure the underlying trend and mean tightened monetary policy produces an illusory rise in monetary inflation .
24 These policies have , in many cases , been taken out by individuals on low incomes merely to provide for the cost of funeral expenses .
25 France 's Finance Minister , Pierre Beregevoy , insisted a step had been taken towards eliminating fiscal frontiers .
26 Samples had been taken and investigations were centred on a local factory .
27 Most of the refugees who arrived after Hungary opened its border with Austria on 11 September , and aboard the special trains last week , have been taken to reception camps where they are given West German citizenship papers and DM200 ( £66 ) .
28 Sad to report , then , that they have been taken into the studio with this album and produced .
29 In the last two months , however , jewellery shops have been taken by storm .
30 Mr Ozberk had already been taken , handcuffed and escorted by police , to the police station at Heathrow airport from the Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , when Mr Renton 's new orders were given to the Immigration Service .
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