Example sentences of "been too " in BNC.

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1 Those closest to him who should have been too frightened to behave as they did include his father , but they also include his sisters , who struck out for themselves in a fashion which has him siding with his father .
2 It all happened so quickly — sometimes I think it may have been too quickly .
3 It should have been done sooner , he wrote , but the truth is it would always have been too late .
4 The thing about my life , he wrote , is that everything has always been too late .
5 She 'd have been too far gone to hear .
6 ‘ It sounds as though life 's not been too easy for you since then . ’
7 Jay felt she had been too long alone on her pure-white sandy desert island .
8 Perhaps it would have been too easy : they 'd made love the first night they met , both involved with women who gave them pain .
9 Would it not have been too painful , not least having to watch another youngster take his first steps into the fatherless state ?
10 In the heart of the vast city , Daddy again , his brown eyes bright , you could see his sparse hair growing down by the minute into the Hippie pigtail he 'd been too young or too old and always too respectable to wear …
11 As Tate remarked austerely , ‘ His Eliabethanism has indubitably been too ingenuously appraised by some critics ’ .
12 ‘ The concern must be whether interest rates have already been too high for too long , ’ Mr Wyatt said .
13 Before a demoralising defeat when challenging Mike Tyson for the world heavyweight championship two years ago Biggs would have probably been too dangerous a proposition for Mason but something has gone from him since then and he was unable to fulfil bold pre-fight assertions .
14 But the three-man tribunal of legal experts from France , Greece and The Netherlands did admit that the punishment had been too harsh and that there were mitigating circumstances .
15 If the 1957 explanation was false , the theory runs , then the subsequent loss of face would have been too great for a correction to be issued in Gromyko 's lifetime .
16 Appearing in Ackerley 's books pages might , you feel , have been a privilege but an afternoon of Joe and Joe 's dog would have been too much .
17 Critics have sniped that the dividing line between the political and the profit motive has never been too sharply defined on Hamnett 's agenda , a feeling provoked by such off-the-cuff comments as her enthusiasm for an idea that will ‘ make me rich and wo n't hurt animals ’ .
18 He thought the transition period had always been too long , because authority deserts a dying king , and neither China nor the Hong Kong people were going to take much notice of us by the time it got to the Nineties .
19 ‘ I did n't cross them out — that would have been too much like defacing the book , ’ he says .
20 Indeed , by the middle of that year critics were saying that the cuts imposed at the time of the IMF crisis may have been too harsh , and that fixed investment in manufacturing capacity needed to be stepped up , even though it actually rose by 8 per cent in 1978 .
21 The Labour Party seemed to sense that it had gone too far in criticism of the police , perhaps in response to the far-left , middle-class activists of sociological inclination , and had been too tender towards violent criminals and other deviants .
22 In retrospect many Conservatives felt that the ill-fated 1971 Industrial Relations Act had been too ambitious and that the ground had not been adequately prepared for such a sweeping measure .
23 She has given voice to those who thought that previous Conservative governments had been too tolerant or ‘ defeatist ’ about the unions , the welfare state , high taxation , and public spending , and too accommodating to other countries , particularly in the European Community and the Commonwealth .
24 Then again , perhaps a scaled down 5-series would have been too predictable .
25 I expect auntie has told you everything and you have been too busy to come , but please come now .
26 Yes , here was Hatton 's entry that he had been too ill to start the return journey until noon .
27 ‘ We 've always been too scared to have anything drastic done to our hair — until now , ’ said Ruth .
28 Forestry interests and landowners in Scotland had been lobbying the Scottish Office to draw the teeth of the NCC because it had been too successful in defending the uplands from conifers .
29 By 1965 or so this had all gone , but Medalla himself has been too bouncy and inventive to obey the arid strictures of minimalism .
30 Obviously I felt for him , I would n't have been too delighted if our positions had been reversed ; and they could so easily have been .
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