Example sentences of "been good " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've examined some 13/0 and it has been good , yet I 've found some to have as low as 10.5% chrome content .
2 ‘ There 've been good things and bad things , but I 've survived .
3 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
4 He has got off lightly : we learn with mildly comic surprise of mitigating circumstances : he had been good to a consumptive fellow student , and he had saved two children from a blazing house , getting burnt himself while doing so .
5 The year has been good for programme sales , particularly overseas where sales increased more than a half to £18.8m .
6 ‘ All that 's been good .
7 Mr Pritchard , said results had so far been good , and it was well placed to achieve excellent full year figures .
8 She 's not been good at negotiating .
9 15 March 1986 : A Ford takeover of Austin Rover would have been good for Britain , according to a top Ford executive .
10 But when you consider today 's high prices , should we have to pay more — especially when the service has n't been good ?
11 International co-operation on protecting the ozone layer has been good .
12 ‘ American companies have not been good at putting robots to work ’ , says Fred Sitkins , a specialist on robots at Western Michigan University .
13 Industrial relations had not been good in the health service for many years and not all of that was the fault of the unions .
14 ‘ That woman who 's been good to you , would she have her if you asked ? ’
15 Blackgrass control has generally been good this season .
16 I must tell you Minnie that things have not been good between my old beloved mistress and me which it is not fitting that I should now go into but this blow has brought us closer together in our love and concern for Miss Henrietta .
17 The morning 's bulletin on Harry had been good , the prognosis excellent , his memory of events reportedly clarifying fast .
18 THE PAST three dry years have not been good ones for young trees .
19 On another day , Leeds ' performance might have been good enough to claim some reward .
20 AS to others who must be taken seriously in the springtime ritual , it has been good to see Sandy Lyle regain form , Nick Faldo lose unneeded bulk , Severiano Ballesteros come all the way back and Ian Woosnam ending his celebration of winning last year 's Masters .
21 By those standards , Goldsmith 's revenge has been good .
22 T'would have done you no harm , and been good for the
23 He had not quite completed the required three years out of four , but because his examination results had been good , the Senatus stretched a point , and we both got leave to come to Edinburgh for the January 1944 graduation .
24 The book 's reception seems to have been good .
25 The marriage had been good , he said , for two or three years and then they drifted towards the rocks until they were agreed on only one thing , their incompatibility .
26 Coverage in both dimensions has been good .
27 ‘ After that I suppose I 'll start training for another marathon , but I 've never been good at looking to the future .
28 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
29 For police warrants , normal methods of investigation must have been tried and failed and there must have been good reason to believe that interception would result in a conviction .
30 She has been good to me and although she knows there is something wrong and maybe suspects there is something I have not told her about she gives nothing away .
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