Example sentences of "have a " in BNC.

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2 In London we have a team of 4 specialist nurses backed up by 2 doctors .
3 We also have a limited number of Care-link telephones for installation in individual homes .
4 Evaluations show these educators have a high impact and real credibility with 13 to 18 year olds .
5 We also have a community care and education programme in Tanzania .
6 Of course , none of the work carried out by Amnesty could continue without money and it is in this respect that sections , particularly the larger sections like the British , have a vital role to play .
7 He wrote that he was lying on a concrete floor ; he mentioned acute rheumatism , chronic bronchitis ; ‘ My ribs are tight , I have a lot of fever , I cough all the time .
8 Michelangelo 's works have a strong , peculiar and marked character : they seem to proceed from his own mind entirely , and that mind so rich and abundant , that he never needed , or seems to disdain , to look abroad for foreign help .
9 In Czechoslovakia works of importance are graded as national treasures , and while the Japanese have a similar system , they also rank places .
10 Nevertheless , there is one group of surveys of painting which have a special interest : those which form part of handbooks or , more grandly , treatises on how to paint .
11 Themes in art have a fascination , since they add a subject interest to a viewer 's enjoyment of artistic qualities .
12 Clearly artists working in several media have a wide range of references .
13 In short the pictures in an art museum have been closely monitored , often through decades and in a few cases for centuries , so full descriptions that appear in the catalogues have a thorough-paced authority .
14 Where personal profiles have a strength , however , is in what the critic says about personal reactions to artist and work .
15 The alternative , of choosing between artists , is also hazardous , since it refutes the idea that they have a reason for exhibiting together , even if what the critic writes is favourable .
16 And we have a government which has been slow to worry whether the people there die of Aids .
17 Klima 's first loves have a way of not working out ; and what may have been his longest affair is the one about which least is said .
18 Have a look at these .
19 LAMDA have a small number of awards ‘ some of which can give financial assistance .
20 Writers such as C. P. Taylor , David Halliwell , Peter Nicols , Caryl Churchill and Louise Page have a great deal to offer .
21 With well written characters the words fit and flow so that the actor can ride with ease , and the thoughts , no matter how disjointed , have a natural quality that is at once ‘ actable ’ .
22 If you have a private sideline , that 's it .
23 And the fact that you already have a good instinct for acting will probably have been the main reason why you passed your entrance audition for drama school .
24 posture and physical balance have a great deal to contribute
25 Radio acting makes specific technical demands on an actor , and classes are usually held by professional tutors who have a wide experience of radio drama and its production .
26 If you have a question about acting , think about it before you ask it .
27 Getting a good set of prints is not cheap , although there are less expensive rates for students and most actors have a stock of postcard size prints that they can send off at the merest rumour of work .
28 Summer seasons , pantomime and certain Fringe or small-scale companies also have a quota for performers and assistant stage managers and acting ASMs .
29 And young actors have a greater instinct these days for film than they do for the stage , though this is not to say that stage training is not equally important ; nevertheless as working actors we are getting more and more camera conscious in our acting and will continue to do so .
30 Writing your own pieces can be very exciting — if you have a talent for writing — and can be more suitable to show off your personal talents .
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