Example sentences of "have at " in BNC.

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1 But it does not take long to decide that the experiment is being conducted with skill , and that the pursuits have at least a little in common .
2 In theory , you have to ensure that you have at least two trees in flower at the same time so that they can pollinate each other , otherwise you may get no fruit at all .
3 Again , most women have at some time come across specimens of English anti-feminism , though the geography of this unpleasant addiction does not follow national boundaries or even religious ones although both have their own special effects .
4 What they want in future is 32 seeds in all the Grand Slam tournaments instead of the 16 they have at present .
5 I AM pleased to bring the glad tidings that the British Guild of Beer Writers cricket team have at last won a match .
6 The brewers have at last woken up to the fact that their high-street shops have become dinosaurs slouching towards extinction .
7 You have at least an hour .
8 The money you have at your disposal , for example .
9 When the man finishes , he sticks all the rubbish in this big black placky bag like they have at the laundrette , and he takes it away .
10 Clothes buying is hardly Yuri 's preferred foreign pastime , though : ‘ When I travel , I prefer to sneak off to look at cars and buy accessories for the ones I have at home — a Volvo , an Audi , a Volkswagen , a Japanese Micro bus — and my favourite , an old Chevrolet .
11 Anyway , the debate ought to be fun since what is certain is that American audiences , or at least distributors , have at least as much contempt as those here for independent features without bankable stars , car chases and expensive special effects .
12 Finance officials have at last seen the logic of sprucing up Japan now .
13 Then she and the president can set about hacking away as vigorously at the wasteful government machine as they have at the sheltered private sector .
14 Cuba 's investment , and its scientists , have at least been taken seriously .
15 So we find , by the end of the fourteenth century , that persons are directing petitions to the Chancellor , claiming that they have at least a moral right to the benefit of these uses , and begging him to give them help against the legal owner who is setting up his Common Law rights against them .
16 Now that those plans have at last come to some fruition , Abraham 's obedience must be tested again .
17 A big difference from the episode we have at the vets each month !
18 Equally , breeders are passing over animals which they now feel are no better genetically than the dairy replacements they have at home .
19 Have at least six done , and wear clothes that do not hide your shape .
20 Generally , if you have at least two or three slices of good wholemeal bread each day , and some other wholegrain cereal product , this will form a good base around which to design your meals , and add other iron-rich foods .
21 Everything I read , everything I hear , everything I see informs me that doubt , disease and distress in all the subtlest malignancies of their forms have at last invaded the cropped lawn and the sleepy garden wail .
22 What is clear , though , is that the bereaved have a special place in God 's kingdom and this should be reflected in his church so that bereaved people can feel that they have at least one known place where they can feel at home .
23 This is because I have at last discovered the key to my existence , the meaning of my life .
24 The free Church Council , special emergencies apart , will therefore best serve the administration of its city or town , neither by meddlesome interference with it , nor by attempting to be represented as such in its political caucuses , or even on its administrative boards ; but by training men who , representing its views and coming under its influence , have at once the strength of character and the breadth of conception , which will cause them to secure its great ends … in the ordinary arena of public life .
25 All of us have at one time or another contributed to the Great Bores of Today , with our moans of the other night when we sat down to watch television and ‘ there was nothing on ’ .
26 We have at least begun to shed the unattractive reputation which association with such heresies creates .
27 That implies the establishment of some form of institute — if that is not too grandiose a word — some form of organisation , more permanent than a one week ad hoc seminar , such as we have at present .
28 Neighbouring freshwater wells have become unusable , and the smells from the vandalised creek , at times flowing in multi-coloured currents with dyes from the chemical treatments , have at times been so pungent that inhabitants of the area along the banks of the Yellow Creek have been awakened from their sleep at nights with extreme nausea and vomiting .
29 Upland farms usually have at least 50% or even all of the land classified as enclosed , sown , short-term and permanent pastures .
30 Knill declared that ‘ we have at last developed a full portfolio of activities related to global environmental change ’ .
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