Example sentences of "all information " in BNC.

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1 Visit us for all information and to buy your Official Festival Programme .
2 The Rayner Review stated : ‘ Particular attention needs to be paid to all information collected or costs incurred primarily to meet demands outside central government … in general there is no more reason for govermment to act as universal provider in the statistical field than in any other .
3 All information on the incident has come from government sources .
4 A Communist Party directive quickly classified all information about Chernobyl victims as secret .
5 Theorists say that a stockmarket is ‘ efficient ’ if prices take account of all information that is available that might affect a firm 's future cash flow .
6 All information from the right visual field , whether entering by the right or left eye , is passed to the left visual cortex , and all information from the left visual field is passed to the right visual cortex .
7 All information from the right visual field , whether entering by the right or left eye , is passed to the left visual cortex , and all information from the left visual field is passed to the right visual cortex .
8 Viruses can be applied which make nonsense of all information stored .
9 All information correct at time of going to press , but subject to change without notice .
10 without unnecessary delay report in writing to the Insurer and provide all information and assistance which the Insurer may reasonably require ;
11 All information re .
12 Therefore two approaches were proposed : either a few information officers could be involved in this new work , with the others continuing with previously planned work , or all information officers could be involved in both types of work .
13 Share virtually all information with everyone
14 As with all information systems , the effectiveness is largely dependent upon the quality of data entering the system .
15 On the telephone , all information has to be transmitted in words and that limitation increases communication problems .
16 In a similar manner to the interview analysis technique , a record was set up on the database for each activity using the numerical codes as an identifier , and a second field used to type in all information needed or produced by that activity .
17 Accordingly , a report was prepared from the database listing all information by type , and discussions held with the OIC to determine a priority order for further study .
18 A hybrid system consisting of a centralised computer index , and a variety of microforms used primarily to provide back-up copies of all information Items .
19 A secondary copy of all information items generated or received within the departments would be held in the Registry on microfilm .
20 In other instances , specific case files were raised to bring together all information related to individual projects , which could have a life-cycle of several years ; some sections were primarily concerned with specialist subjects on a geographical basis ( eg all the archaeological sites in each district of the County ) ; certain support services required files on matters of policy , or personnel , or finance , and so on .
21 All information can be pooled at the report session , and problems discussed and clarified .
22 For all information and group reservations call or write to Harewood House Estate Office .
23 We will , of course , treat all information we receive as confidential .
24 The offeror may then issue its offer document , which must disclose all information necessary to enable the addressees to reach a properly informed decision on the bid .
25 All information is treated in confidence .
26 A report , which has been prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry in association with DISC , the information technology group of the British Standards Institution , contains a series of recommendations intended to improve the security of all information systems .
27 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
28 6.3 shall keep complete and accurate records showing all information that is necessary for the full computation and verification of the royalties payable to under this Agreement , and shall permit any authorized agent of to examine and inspect such records at all reasonable times on reasonable notice not more than one time in any calendar year .
29 All information available is necessarily historical but as the past is mainly a reliable guide for the future it is useful in helping you decide whether you should or should n't give credit .
30 He wanted more money to be spent on broadcasting and a separate Ministry to be set up to direct and coordinate all information policy : this was the only way a minister would be able to deal with all the criticisms levelled at the broadcasters .
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