Example sentences of "that time " in BNC.

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1 And , remember , that Times 12 Roman and Times 12 Italic are two different fonts so it is easy to see that users quickly began to experience problems .
2 ‘ Think about what will happen to you when that times comes .
3 Right okay so it 's that times
4 Is that times ?
5 Up until very recently , it was for men only , but we did persuade the Charity Commission that times were changing and that if perchance there was a lady who was disabled , she would also be able to qualify .
6 Dr Dixon said , ‘ With up to 20 years from infection to illness , we just have to ask how many of our congregation have been added during that time ?
7 Volunteers worked on research alongside their paid counterparts and Burley recalls the hundreds of Spanish and Portuguese POCs on whose behalf Amnesty worked at that time .
8 More than a hundred years have passed since Morelli started writing ; in that time many problems of authorship have been solved , while about others tacit agreement has been reached .
9 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
10 It is clear enough , none the less , that the hero of that time is like the hero of some other times , including Hamlet 's .
11 The term can be approximately twelve to thirteen weeks long , and advanced classes will in all probability do a production over that time which will be mounted and produced in the Institute 's own theatre .
12 Provincial cities which had ten to twelve theatres now have one or two and probably there were double the number of actors at that time .
13 At that time , the Roman catholic archbishop of Dublin intervened in a pastoral letter in the following revealing terms :
14 It had continually opposed socio-political change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time .
15 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
16 The major debates after that time have tended to show a split between church leadership and a large section of its laity on the one hand , and a significant proportion of Roman catholic laity , other churches , and secular groups on the other .
17 About one-third of pupils have traditionally attended them since that time .
18 We will leave it to Goldberg to disengage the tone from the shit , he wrote , we will leave it to Honeyman and McGough , much good may it do them , though I will no doubt come back to the question before my project is completed , the big glass and the notes to the big glass , these two to be worked on at night , and this freewheeling commentary on both to be written by day , putting down whatever comes into my head after a night 's work , no correction , no revision , whatever comes into my head , the first two to be worked on by artificial light , the strategy clear , this by natural light wherever possible , no strategy at all , the first to be exhibited , the second to be published in the form of sheets in a box , a blue box or a red box , I have not yet made up my mind , in a limited edition , not a luxury edition but a restricted edition , five hundred boxes perhaps or even two hundred and fifty , all that will become clearer in the course of my work on the big glass , of my work on the notes to the big glass , now I have finally embarked on the major project of my life , the climactic project of my life , leading to the end of my life , all will grow clearer , wrote Harsnet , whether to try and call back and destroy all I have done till now or let it be , whether to burn this commentary or let it be , or perhaps leave it to Goldberg to do whatever he wants with , all these things will no doubt be resolved before the work is completed , that is the beauty of being in the middle of a project , that time itself , which had seemed such an enemy before I started , rushing forward and dragging me with it , impervious to my pleas , has suddenly turned friendly , flops down at my feet , licks my ankles , lets me know it is on my side .
19 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
20 If there was ever a time to change things radically that time has long passed .
21 All that time , wrote Harsnet , Pearsall stood stiffly there without saying a word .
22 The Fox in Holgate Road , York was an outstanding beneficiary of the ‘ Tetley Heritage Pub ’ initiative of that time .
23 ‘ — well anyway , I remembered the last time she was here this Mrs Heatherington-Scott made a set at Sir Harry Destry , like Thomas said , and — well , we all know what happened that time , do n't we ?
24 It was me , her personal tutor at that time , who persuaded her to stay .
25 From that time on it was easier to spot .
26 When a blow-over does occur , you will always hear the people concerned state , quite truthfully : ‘ Up to that time the wind had been quite acceptable and then there was this bad gust …
27 I know several inspectors who have refused a college scholarship , arguing that the time spent away from the force was time spent in structural limbo , and it has become almost a common adage that time away is time lost in ‘ the promotion stakes ’ .
28 At that time , Punch ( 1979 ) pointed out ( in a comparison of facilities in Britain and Holland ) that research into the police in Britain is not easy and
29 Leach ( 1977 ) has shown the ephemerality which lies in any attempt to classify deviance on a global scale ; for what is criminal in one society or at one point in time is relative to that time and place and to who holds the discourse on power .
30 She was so sure that time would change Lucy 's fear of loving her that every unanswered poem spurred her on to something finer .
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