Example sentences of "that no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Particularly conspicuous by his absence is that verse-translator of Virgil who is generally held ( in my view , rightly ) to have set a standard that no other can equal , except momentarily ; that is , Dryden .
2 At the end of February news filtered in that no peasants were willing to join the military ranks , and there were quite a few desertions .
3 In Afghanistan the stalemate between the superpowers has ensured that no single authority rules .
4 In circumstances like that no one wants to make a mistake and no one is going to take things casually . ’
5 With their rudimentary networks , Eastern Europe could leap-frog to the latest technology — though that is a daydream , given that no country in the region has the expertise or the money to do so .
6 That no one should give in to their demands .
7 After that no one knew what it was , so no one touched it .
8 Bouton and his collaborators have conducted a series of experiments ( for reviews see Bouton ( 1988 , 1990 ) ) using the same stimuli and general procedures as those employed by Bouton and Swarzentruber ( 1986 ) but differing in that no explicit training was given .
9 It 's precious meeting the odd soul on a high top and passing the time of day with them , knowing that no matter who or what they are , you share the same interests in wildlife , wilderness and solitude .
10 But apart from that no one else really provided anyone suitable .
11 The surgeon 's knife was to be the first act , and possibly the only act , of that no one could be certain .
12 In this section , we adopt the view that there is some truth in all of these approaches , but that no one of them can fully explain the causes of unemployment .
13 In this section , we adopt the view that there is some truth in all of these theories , but that no one of them can fully explain the causes of inflation .
14 He smiled as he pictured Commander Adam Dalgliesh , that no doubt fastidious widower , making his way through the accumulated mess to discuss their suitability as caretakers at Larksoken Mill .
15 And this issue he had been hard put to it to find a couple of intelligent letters for the correspondence page ; sometimes it seemed that every crackbrain in north-east Norfolk read the PANUP newsletter but that no one else did .
16 She has told that tale all round Glasgow ; you may have noticed that no company calls .
17 After that no studio would touch him , although he made a good living as an actor and was even reunited with Gloria Swanson to recount more glorious days in Sunset Boulevard .
18 And after that no more was said .
19 Dressed like that no one would look at him twice .
20 I have done things before that no one else has achieved like winning the Japan Cup with Jupiter Island and the Breeders Cup with Pebbles . ’
21 Eadmer reports that he visited England in this capacity in 1100 or 1101 , but that no one received him .
22 Although there is a slight element of gamble with money purchase schemes , in that no one can forecast with certainty how well or badly a pension fund might do , in practice most trustees act very conservatively .
23 The freeholder refused to put in writing any guarantee , such as that no comprehensive redevelopment of the site was planned .
24 Americans fret about many aspects of their political system , but not its fairness between parties ; and — given that no third party exists — its results are decently proportional .
25 To be universalised it must be transformed into some such principle as that no one should hurt the feelings of another person , in such and such generally describable circumstances .
26 ‘ It 's a classic vs-0.5 yield problem — they ca n't deliver ’ , said our source , who has a bet on that no P5 systems will begin shipping before mid Summer next year .
27 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
28 Barbara Ese pays all of that no attention whatsoever .
29 Here fish live that have developed a method of finding their way about that no other creature so far has emulated .
30 An elective despotism was not the government we fought for ; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among several bodies or magistracies , as that no one could transcend their legal limits , without being effectually checked and restrained by the others . "
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