Example sentences of "as against " in BNC.

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1 Over the last year , 24,000 pupils attended ACET class presentations , as against 14,500 in 1989/90 .
2 Wölflinn 's writings are strong on observation ; this can be understood from his choice of terms to describe tendencies in form ; linear as against painterly , plane surface as against recessional depth , closed against open form , composite clarity against fused clarity , or absolute clarity against relative clarity .
3 Wölflinn 's writings are strong on observation ; this can be understood from his choice of terms to describe tendencies in form ; linear as against painterly , plane surface as against recessional depth , closed against open form , composite clarity against fused clarity , or absolute clarity against relative clarity .
4 Formal differences in art have been linked to places in varied ways , one of the best-known Renaissance contrasts being the stress on line evident in Florentine art as against the colourist approach of the Venetians , a city on water .
5 The prohibitionist thinking which affected America in the 1920s was not without supporters in Britain , and the practical result in architecture was that pubs emphasised their domestic image , and encouraged the serving of more food , as against the all-male tradition of ‘ vertical drinking ’ at a bar .
6 ‘ You are sitting here because you have the power , and if that is true , then you can use it as well for us as against us .
7 As against that central epithet of the rabbis , the justice of God , they posited the creative , life-giving and life-nurturing aspect of mercy .
8 He sets up poetry , rhetoric , and textuality , as against the myth of presence , the poem as the life-blood of a master spirit , and the Romantic ideal of expressiveness .
9 About 80,000 tonnes of waste for incineration or treatment is imported every year , as against the five million tonnes which England and Wales produce .
10 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
11 The need to avoid bad history is the reason the debate over the teaching of history in schools is so important : what is the proper balance between traditional concerns with royalty and battles as against the need to understand the great political movements of our time and the social and economic conditions which spawned them ?
12 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
13 The result was an alarming drop in resources — 3,684 public libraries in 1922 as opposed to 14,800 in 1920 ; 1,126 ‘ illiteracy liquidation points ’ as against 17,462 before NEP .
14 It was the teachers too who taught the metric system as against the local weights and measures , thus slowly inculcating a sense of wider , national unity .
15 Another sign of security was the rising number of households which did not need to buy seeds , but planted their own 634 in the autumn of 1922 , as against 554 in 1920 .
16 There were now 13 militiamen as against 6 in the old regime ; 7 secretaries in the medical centre as against 2 ; 72 administrators in the uezd-level agricultural centre as against 16 .
17 There were now 13 militiamen as against 6 in the old regime ; 7 secretaries in the medical centre as against 2 ; 72 administrators in the uezd-level agricultural centre as against 16 .
18 There were now 13 militiamen as against 6 in the old regime ; 7 secretaries in the medical centre as against 2 ; 72 administrators in the uezd-level agricultural centre as against 16 .
19 In 1926 38.3 per cent of the population were Ukrainian as against 37.9 at the time of the 1923 census .
20 In Belorussia in October 1922 there was a labour force of 23,428 on the railway network , as against 12,323 other workers in all Belorussian industry .
21 Mrs Thatcher found it more possible to assert her own right-wing views as against those of moderates like Prior or Walker , with a strong thrust towards monetarism emerging in the party 's The Right Approach to the Economy .
22 The new patterns of the economy , the steady decline of manufacturing industry ( in which 6.5 m. of the population were directly employed at the end of the seventies ) as against the rise of the service and transport sector ( which employed 7.25 m. at the start of 1980 ) also told in favour of the redistribution of resources in favour of particular regions and occupational groups .
23 She was elected as Tory leader in 1975 as the voice of petit bourgeois protest in the constituencies , as against grandees like Whitelaw , Carrington , or Pym .
24 Much to the British government 's surprise , the elections in early 1980 resulted in a massive victory for the Marxist Robert Mugabe , whose party gained 57 seats , as against 29 for Joshua Nkomo and only 3 for Bishop Muzowera .
25 By 1961 there were 7 million homes owned by their occupiers ; by 1987 the total was 14.5 million , as against about 6 million rented from local authorities , and under 3 million privately rented .
26 An individual , apart from society , can not be conceived as having rights — or if he does , they are rights as against God , which is blasphemy .
27 The younger Eliot tried to revolt against Kipling , as against the Nineties , but the older had a ‘ feeling of destiny ’ that he was linked to Kipling .
28 These include : the postmodern as a tendency within the modern ; a notion of the ‘ sublime ’ and postmodernism 's related freedom from dependence on the concept of totality ; a distinction between the postmodern conceived in terms of the externalised and impersonal as against a view of the modern as characterised by the internal and ‘ impressionist ’ ; and a claim that it is the characteristic of the postmodern to signify figurally rather than discursively ( ? ) .
29 A detailed examination of the Leicester Mercury from 1895 to 1914 has revealed 137 reports of violent incidents nationally as against 116 in the FA minute-books .
30 Mr Michael Rowley , finance director , said the group had foreseen the problems and had made an effort to increase income from interest , which came in at £64,000 as against a charge of £78,000 at the halfway stage last year .
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