Example sentences of "as know " in BNC.

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1 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
2 Anyone in Hong Kong with a problem — be it so trivial as to know which horse to place a bet on , or so crucial as to know whom to marry — can ask the god Won Tai Sin , whose temple is to be found in the middle of a vast housing estate in north Kowloon , and who came to fame by turning boulders into sheep .
3 Anyone in Hong Kong with a problem — be it so trivial as to know which horse to place a bet on , or so crucial as to know whom to marry — can ask the god Won Tai Sin , whose temple is to be found in the middle of a vast housing estate in north Kowloon , and who came to fame by turning boulders into sheep .
4 However , in the social context of heroin use in a given community , it is just as important to understand how events are perceived by the participants as to know that they actually happened .
5 ‘ If Harry had n't been rushed off to the hospital with chest pains today , ’ he continued , ‘ then I 'd still be at a loss as to know what my only daughter gets up to when my back is turned . ’
6 Had this been any other occasion , he would have lowered his head respectfully and more or less closed his eyes , watching Bill Brice out of the corner of them so as to know when to open them again , and murmuring amen where appropriate .
7 Because at the moment we have different costing forms on different colours so as to know , to differentiate between post or telephone , face-to-face and so on .
8 So that you have your they 're not so daft as to know that two people who are going to come and live even if Richard 's away half the time .
9 As long as know what it is I 'll do it when I get home .
10 Dr Fenech-Adami said last night : ‘ On the facts as known to us , it has not been proved that the suitcase carrying the bomb originated in Malta .
11 He then went on , chapter by chapter , to provide an evolutionary ethology of behaviour as known in his time , treating reflexes , instincts , intelligence ( with learning experiments ) , social behaviour , and finally conceptual thought and purposive self-conscious development .
12 The unfolding of the divine purpose was not , however , identified with the course of human history as known to the inhabitants of Iran .
13 Left : Paul Garber 's Target kite , one of the first to use two-line control as known today .
14 A total of 66 were identified as known users and 97 as hidden .
15 A Contracting State may at the time of signature , ratification or accession , declare that it will not execute Letters of request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries .
16 What nobody seemed to notice was that the text of Article 23 , by referring to ‘ pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries ’ , and especially in omitting the earlier reference to discovery between the parties , covered some types of the form of discovery known in the United States , which is far wider in its scope than that known in other Common Law countries .
17 Yet all around her , in their revolutionary impulse , men and women not of the greatness of Coleridge but certainty of a similar ambition were beginning to log and classify , to catalogue and proudly identify what , until quite recently , had been the terrain of a very few — the variety of nature as known by Mary .
18 The difference is that in predicated themes , the thematic element is presented as new information ; in identifying themes , the thematic element is presented as known information ( see section 5.1.2 below for a discussion of known vs new information ) .
19 The profession 's fifth Lord Mayor of London in 1978 and the 651st holder of that ancient office , ‘ KRC ’ , as he as known to closer journalists and business acquaintances , used that office to help the plight of the disabled and small to medium sized businesses .
20 As known to her as the door of the flat .
21 In contrast to neighbouring Cuxton , where a most important Palaeolithic site was discovered in 1962 , the prehistory of Hailing as known at present can only be shown to date from Neolithic , or New Stone Age , times .
22 For a given spectrometer and sample geometry , ρ max is more or less constant , and may be taken as known .
23 The ordinary world as known to common sense is full of things , events , people and happenings ; full of , for brief illustration , tables , chairs , friends , enemies , measles , drugs , books , cats , dogs , Golden Virginia , deceit , honesty , teachers , poor essay marks , good luck , all the infinitude of things that we , in our ordinary experience know about , talk about , ignore , are aware of , are not aware of , and so forth .
24 In tall and muscular subjects , fasting and residual gall bladder volumes are also increased but , as far as known , without increased risk of gall stone formation .
25 It would he a very revealing item of Bomber Command 's history were a tape to be made available today of that unfortunate telephone link-up , and for a cold assessment to be made of all the circumstances as known at the time .
26 Conflicts of interest are particularly likely to arise in firms that are companies because , even if there is functional segregation within a company with different activities being carried out in different departments between which there are Chinese walls , the knowledge of one part of the company will be attributed to ( ie treated in law as known to ) all parts .
27 Nevertheless it can have a far-reaching effect on the lives of those identified as known or suspected abusers .
28 An application for a property adjustment order is required to identify the land , specify whether the property concerned is registered or unregistered ( and , if the former , its title number ) , and give particulars ( as far as known to the applicant ) of the mortgage ( for example the mortgage account number and the full names of the mortgagor(s) ) ( Family Proceedings Rules 1991 ( SI No 1247 ) r2.59(2) ) .
29 Not then — to recall my point of departure in the previous chapter — knowing thyself , so much as knowing thy discursive formations — knowing them in the process of living but also inverting them ; reinscribing oneself within , succumbing to , and demystifying them .
30 Indeed , in so far as knowing the ‘ cause ’ would restrict our reading of the poems , it is the one piece of information we can probably do without . ’
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