Example sentences of "had say " in BNC.

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1 We 've got two pears and then we had we had say two bananas and then another banana how many bananas would we have then .
2 So if you 're multiplying an the index of something by three Where you had say I had X squared
3 Some good thing had been voiced , and Wilde had remarked that he wished that he had said it — and was then told : .
4 The husband of the cleaning woman had been a soldier , and she had said that he had had no choice but to obey his orders to shoot Jews .
5 Dáil members would act on a decision of the hierarchy once that hierarchy had said the teaching of the church was at issue , providing of course that the area in question was a grey one , a new territory not previously covered by the generally accepted sacred-profane spheres .
6 ‘ I am afraid I took pains to look out at the other side so as not to see him , ’ she had said .
7 ‘ Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
8 He spoke the words ‘ sherry at six ’ with a hint of menace , rather as if he had said ‘ pistols at dawn ’ .
9 Mrs Venables ' cake was — as she had said — a perfect coffee gâteau , smoothly frosted in caramel , with three cherries on the top .
10 If David had ever learned of the things Phipps had said to her , he would probably …
11 Inevitably , I noted these criticisms were rarely in relation to what he had said ( few had actually read the book ) , but rather were expressions of shocked outrage that he had failed to keep silent and say nothing at all .
12 Ms Piggy-wig , Sandy the winner , had said jump on her !
13 Since Lucy had said it , then let her talk .
14 Who had said : Some countries have a climate , in England we have weather ?
15 You will find us very quiet , the manager had said , c est la vie .
16 As May Sarton had said ( and Jay thought of May Sarton as a cross between a saint and a guru ) : The muse is always female .
17 His friend James Menzies the wine merchant , in whose house he lodged , had said once , infuriated after a two-hour argument , ‘ Angus — do you believe nothing completely ? ’
18 ‘ If you go for a soldier ’ — she had said it fifty times — it will stop us getting wed .
19 She had said too much .
20 Two masons who were chiselling at the finials which Flemyng had ordered for the gables would stop their clinking from time to time to confirm something that one or other had said .
21 He spent many hours of darkness , sweating lightly in spite or the autumn and early winter cold , wishing some of his replies unsaid , and wishing above all that he had said anything at all after the examiner 's last remark .
22 James had said that John Stewart the pedlar had seemed frantic that night — more so than the emergency warranted ?
23 If they had said this about the Paris workmen , Louis would still be on the throne …
24 Paul Robeson — himself a belatedly famed son of the Law School — might embody law and song , and F.R. Scott might embody law and poetry , but even he recognised the more profound call of the muse : ‘ poetry first , ’ he had said ‘ and the poetic element all the way through , ’ which in the hurly-burly of the clothing industry , was even less possible .
25 ‘ Dorset , ’ someone had said at a recent dinner .
26 The visitor told me things about her which I did n't believe , but still I nodded my head as if to confirm what she had said .
27 Once he had said I showed him a concern which he had never met with before , even from his parents , and that he would love to visit my country one day .
28 It seems obvious she must have known it was the fermer but he wished she had said so , after all this remained his city .
29 And yet it ends by striking a note that is not altogether happy , nor altogether adequate to what Eliot had said earlier .
30 Whitehall did not ‘ view too tragically ’ what China had said .
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