Example sentences of "they took " in BNC.

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1 After a quick tidy-up they took the next train back to the Gare de Lyon where Monique had only twenty minutes to wait .
2 It gave me a temporary Equity card — mind you they took it away again as soon as I had done the four weeks work .
3 They took what was left after the church schools had creamed off the more academic pupils and the upper classes .
4 They took it over to the rose-bed under her window and the marks corresponded .
5 If they took a whirl at the minister , he would have a fine sight of the fun .
6 But they took some wicked pleasure in his fame as the most extraordinary vocal artiste in the whole Synod of Dunkeld .
7 They took him away on a cart , soaked with blood from head to foot . ’
8 They took for granted what was dying in their hands . ’
9 But they took her away instead and she was in gaol for a day and a night ; they released her because the State of Emergency ( 1960 ) which allowed the government to detain political prisoners without charge , had not yet been legally declared .
10 They took over the wool shop next door to expand their stock and the surprisingly large upstairs restaurant , now spread over both stores , has attracted well-known food critics to this outof-the-way location .
11 The next time they took me to the room , a man and a woman were waiting .
12 This time they took up Bright 's original suggestion and spliced the cable in mid-ocean on July 29 1858 .
13 Connolly and Wilson , we may agree , lived dangerously ; they took risks , knowing full well that they were not au fait with the latest scholarship , had not mastered ‘ the secondary material ’ .
14 A BOY of 17 and two men in their twenties face execution in Burma for planting a bomb , but others involved in the crime say they took no part in it .
15 Gary Callander , the former Scotland hooker , is in cracking form again and , with John Jeffrey staying down and grafting at second row , they took particular encouragement from their scrummaging in an 18-29 defeat by the powerhouse Heriot 's .
16 Mr Smith said in an interview on BBC television 's On the Record that he did not expect his colleagues to ‘ spend and spend again' when they took office .
17 They took 45 per cent of the vote , and took three seats , against one previously .
18 Both actuaries have tried to turn the Pearl in other directions , taking advantage of the personal pensions boom , and developing the group 's general insurance business , which suffered a rough ride in the early 1970s before they took charge of the group six years ago .
19 The Khmer Rouge had no mercy for any Vietnamese they took prisoner , and many Vietnamese soldiers preferred to kill themselves rather than be captured .
20 Having begun their Courage First Division programme with a 29-12 home win over Leicester , Wasps then lost direction and the match when they took on Harlequins at The Stoop .
21 To provide a polite reminder that the country was started by Englishmen they took the Queen to a hostel called Raffles Hall and Westin Stamfords , another hotel .
22 In contrast , by accompanying experienced officers on their beat we saw how seriously they took neighbourhood policing and the range of duties which it comprised : job satisfaction is high among neighbourhood policemen ( Trojamowicz and Banas 1985 ) .
23 Between the ideologues and monetarists of the New Right , and the revisionist Marxists of the New Left , defenders of what they took to be the post-1945 social order floundered unhappily .
24 Meanwhile , the average wage-earner noted that , whereas in 1960 tax and insurance took 8 per cent of his or her earnings , in 1970 they took nearly 20 per cent .
25 They took it for granted that this was Ramsey .
26 They took a vow like those of the Middle Ages where someone swore to go on crusade if his wife 's life was saved .
27 They took it for granted that the international world was one of competing powers and that their duty was to make the most of whatever assets were available to them .
28 Dubbing films became obligatory by law , and they took advantage of it to change the dialogue .
29 They took little interest in the film and just larked about .
30 They took him to the cider ward of the local hospital and a week later he was dead .
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