Example sentences of "they do " in BNC.

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1 The work they do is an inspiring example of what loving community care is all about .
2 Differences exist between the media of tempera and oil , or oil and acrylic , but they do not have the importance of contrasts in other material processes .
3 However , if biographies of artists are carefully examined , it will be found that they do not necessarily contain much art criticism at all ; a biographer may prefer not to express personal views about the artist 's work ; a book 's main thrust may be to describe the artist 's own aims and ideas .
4 The airmail letters which he exchanges with his liberal friends in England tell a worse story of them than they do of him , and hark back in fine style to that golden time when such friends used to kneel in London mosques with Michael X and other celebrities , squinting up at the Heavyweight Champion of the World 's effulgent arse .
5 Authors are not supposed to avenge themselves in their writings , but they do , and if they were to be prevented , there would be far fewer books .
6 The poets Czeslaw Milosz and Donald Davie have been bothered by the insufficiency and irresponsibility of the lyric genre , and it could be felt that Kundera goes further than they do in denouncing the lyric , and fares worse .
7 ‘ Even your shiksas go down the drain when they do n't tickle your fancy anymore . ’
8 So in earnest are they that they do n't even recognise that being in earnest is the act .
9 Levi 's paints actually manage to come to life as human beings in The Wrench , a less fanciful book which nevertheless claims that ‘ paints resemble us more than they do bricks .
10 By the end of it you 're no all that sure whether teachers get long holidays or no ( they do , though most of them have to work hard for it ) , and whether parents should go and fuck themselves .
11 They do n't direct us to the late survival of a gypsy paradise .
12 Not that I would have attempted to scale the academic heights of an Oxford or a Cambridge , of course , but they do do some very stimulating courses at the Birmingham Polytechnic .
13 They do great things because they are great , if the great things come along .
14 But these mortgage companies , they do n't want to know …
15 But they do n't want more money , ; it 's like me , is n't it ?
16 Most of your technical tutors will be seeing everything you do , and deriving what they need to know from it ; they do n't want to find you confused by criticism from senior students which might not be helpful to you at this point .
17 And young actors have a greater instinct these days for film than they do for the stage , though this is not to say that stage training is not equally important ; nevertheless as working actors we are getting more and more camera conscious in our acting and will continue to do so .
18 Without doubt they do .
19 In his analysis of the popular culture which appeared among the promoters of the Pro-Life Campaign , set up to achieve a constitutional ban on abortion in the Republic in 1983 , O'Carroll pin-points certain characteristics , which can be abbreviated here : a monolithic and absolute view of the world , with its accompanying intolerance , derived in part from the direct consultation of clerics and politicians on public moral issues and the subsequent failure to develop an ethos of public debate ; a localized belief system , rooted in family and communal authority and issuing in a spirit of absolute conformity ; sexual prudery , a product partly of the inheritance problem ; and the development of acute anxiety when such beliefs — inhering partly as they do in their practice and shaping of society — are threatened .
20 But Roman catholic adoption agencies , the source for the majority of children awaiting adoption , are not obliged to assign baptized Roman catholic children to such couples , and whether they do or not is not a matter of public knowledge .
21 What is required , he wrote , is to find an outlet for those energies , for those needs and desires , so that they do not turn inward and rend you to pieces , an outlet , he wrote , but never to imagine that what we do is ever going to be an everlasting achievement .
22 Many of the interiors created by the designers of such facilities are as forbidding as the old-fashioned spit-and-sawdust pub ; any lingering atmosphere is swept away in a barrage of stained wood and fake Victoriana , and any casual visitors made to feel inordinately guilty if they do not , alas , wish to eat .
23 Dorset Fire Safety Committee senior fire prevention officer Ian Clark said : ‘ One of the biggest problems with hotels is that they do not maintain the requirements of the Fire Certificate . ’
24 But write nice things they do .
25 ‘ You 'm do n't want to be believing what they do write in they newspapers ma'am ’ , exclaimed the sergeant , but his visitor was not listening .
26 Make sure they do n't create too much mischief .
27 Except he was a German and they do n't play cricket .
28 I know what they do in there .
29 ‘ 'Course they do .
30 They do you very well at ‘ The Hollies ’ .
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