Example sentences of "they tell " in BNC.

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1 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
2 They told me the legal position and asked how hard I was prepared to fight .
3 They told me to keep in touch and call them if I felt they could be of assistance .
4 I went to see them about this but they told me it was up to the social security people to make up the difference .
5 I went to see them as well and they told me to fill in another form .
6 In eleven miles Cameron and Menzies had passed three houses — all the fewer people to betray the refugees , they told each other .
7 They told me that in four or five years , it could get worse and would get arthritic .
8 They told me that as long as I did not rush back too quickly , I should have another four or five years .
9 They told me that this sort of thing happens , it 's part of training , and to stick in there and show the buggers they were wrong . ’
10 ‘ They could see I was taking it easier on some of the sessions and they told me so .
11 Temple and Oldham pressed at him hard — he must write one of the essays , he was the only person who could do it , they told him .
12 They told Austin Farrer that he was a spell-binder .
13 Del just had to go , they told Malcolm .
14 They told her over and over again that she must not do it , but she could n't help it .
15 They told me they 'd found the source and they were going to prosecute the offender .
16 They told me that there were serious everyday problems which arose because the needs of Asian patients were being ignored .
17 They told her that if she did they would outcast her .
18 ‘ Just now , ’ they told me ‘ it is the Garara ( trousers which flare from just above the knee ) and quite a short Kamiz to go with it and of course a Dupatta ( a long light scarf ) in georgette in an exactly matching colour ’ .
19 Among Indians and Pakistanis , they told me rather severely , there is no class system as there is among English people .
20 I saw them standing in a crowd ; they told me ‘ We want to prove something , show them something . ’
21 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
22 They told me that sexual examination is a routine part of the entry certificate procedure at British Diplomatic missions in the Indian subcontinent .
23 One day we had a fight and they told Miss .
24 ‘ There is hostility between West Indians and English , ’ they told me , ‘ they do n't mix much , they keep apart , though sometimes there are fights .
25 Their mothers , they told me , often complained when they did n't want to take any food to school for their lunch .
26 At the back of their minds many girls feel that perhaps , even if they told their parents , they would fail to understand , or take in a situation so different from their own educational experiences .
27 You were half-way to being a lady 's maid with these private patients and if they wanted you to paint their fingernails while they told you their life histories you could n't choose but obey .
28 They told us at school to ask a policeman if we got lost , and show him our yellow card with our name and address on it .
29 That 's what they told us to do at school — ask a policeman if we 're lost .
30 I du n no if they told me the way — I can t remember , but I think it 's this way .
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