Example sentences of "an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Plans have been unveiled for a £30 million project which will turn an out-of-action , uneconomic incinerator into a high technology plant which will make a profit from using rubbish to generate electricity .
2 An archbishop who failed to challenge that kind of economic fundamentalism would virtually have abandoned the social hope of the Christian Church .
3 Numbers have dropped consistently for 60 years , and if that is the litmus-test of an archbishop 's success , then Archbishops Lang , Temple , Fisher , Ramsey and Coggan have also been failures .
4 Since the reign of Queen Mary in 1558 , when the last Plantagenet to be an Archbishop died , they did not include among their number members of the royal family .
5 He had an archbishop , Fisher , with a good judgement of men and with a lot of information about them .
6 Thus a Dean of Durham , and an ex-Bishop of Durham , and a complicated patronage secretary who popped out of holes like a rabbit , and a doctrine of apostolic authority , and an Archbishop of York , and a desire to follow the calling of God even if it looked unlikely , winkled a professor out of a career to which he seemed to have been born .
7 That scepticism and memory were to be important when he became an archbishop and was expected to be a leader in the organization .
8 It was the first enthronement of an archbishop since television became a national service ; and Ramsey agreed to broadcast on television on the night before his enthronement .
9 ‘ He 's a most engaging fellow — essentially human ’ , Reid reported as though there was something odd about an archbishop being human .
10 Fisher objected that an Archbishop of York ought not to encourage illegality by being present at the requiem ; and , painfully for himself , felt under a duty of conscience not to attend the memorial service .
11 Willink as a lawyer had a lot to do with the administration of the Church and saw the argument that an archbishop must be able to bear a load of administration .
12 He knew that he could be accused of acting like some less satisfactory prime ministers in this constitutional field , that is , choosing an archbishop of his own lay power without the approval of the Church ; and he disliked that situation .
13 Ramsey was sure that this was a first in history ; the settlement of the choice of an Archbishop of Canterbury by telephone .
14 He asked the Queen to appoint an Archbishop of York without first asking the Archbishop of Canterbury .
15 Thus was made an archbishop who did more than any Archbishop of Canterbury since Stephen Langton of Magna Carta to make the Church more free in its relation to the State .
16 All too briefly , until his untimely death in 1944 , there was an Archbishop of Canterbury who was not only a learned philosopher and theologian but was also able , in such writings as his Readings in St John 's Gospel to speak to people at a simple devotional level .
17 How is an Archbishop or Bishop appointed ?
18 But to show how ecumenical they were , they also once burnt an Archbishop of Canterbury ; several Prime Ministers ; Enoch Powell ; Richard Nixon ; Stalin ; all sorts of people , even poor Mr Heath , not so much because he was a villain but because it is so easy to make a guy in the semblance of Mr Heath .
19 Here was an Archbishop after their own hearts .
20 An archbishop presided at her requiem and her bier was carried through the city by leading members of the civil authorities .
21 His own ecclesiastical authority as an archbishop and metropolitan , though a reflection of papal authority at one level , was too important to him in itself to allow of such a thing .
22 By the end of the century some might still moan that ‘ it would shock many to suggest that a plain dissenting preacher might be as great a man as an Archbishop ’ but this was simply twaddle .
23 The Roman Catholics had to wait another five years again , and I was already in Banbury when the Roman Catholic voluntary-aided secondary modern school was opened , in an odour of incense and the presence of an Archbishop .
24 In the late tenth century Sigeric archbishop of Canterbury went to Rome to receive his scarf of office , the pallium of lambs ' wool which was the mark of an archbishop ; and this seems at that time to have been an immemorial custom of very recent origin .
25 Duke William could claim that he was going to oust a perjured usurper and also to remove from the see of Canterbury an archbishop not recognized in Rome .
26 As leader of the Church Edward the Confessor played his part , though not perhaps very adequately , since he left on his death an archbishop of Canterbury who was not recognized as such by the pope .
27 The officials of the chapel were the arch-chaplain or arch-chancellor , its honorific head , who was always an archbishop , and from the late tenth century always archbishop of Mainz , and the chancellor , who nearly always became a bishop and commonly an archbishop .
28 The officials of the chapel were the arch-chaplain or arch-chancellor , its honorific head , who was always an archbishop , and from the late tenth century always archbishop of Mainz , and the chancellor , who nearly always became a bishop and commonly an archbishop .
29 Which building did an Archbishop of Canterbury tell MPs would ‘ cast the blight of gritty soot and sulphurous fumes on London 's parks and noblest buildings ’ ?
30 Of the students in my time , one has since become an archbishop , John Aung Hla ; another , John Maung Pe became the first bishop of Akyab , and another who came for a short term of study and an even shorter curacy was John Richardson , the saintly schoolteacher , catechist , priest and bishop in turn of Car Nicobar , where under his influence the whole of the island population , including witch doctors , became Christian .
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