Example sentences of "she get " in BNC.

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1 You should have heard her when she got that craze for Vegetarianism and Bernard Shaw .
2 ‘ She deserved everything she got ! ’
3 She got him to send round the largest and best fillet he had , ’ said Milsom .
4 I remember being insanely jealous of Sarah when she got married .
5 And she got things done : two days after she moved in , the place was ‘ positively sanforised , dear , ’ said Francis , wall-to-wall carpeting , curtains from Heals ' , furniture in place , phones installed and busy .
6 She got the food well out of the way mid-afternoon , devised a tongue-teasing cocktail , and asked all the people she loved .
7 Then she got really mad and started screaming back at me .
8 But the dark night was filled with the metallic throbbing of insects , waves on the sand , and she got up and stood naked on the balcony .
9 She got the scissors out just in time .
10 — But Sheila moved down to London with Bob and she got a job no bother .
11 When she got engaged to Shakespearian actor Tom Harklie , she bought an Australian Silky Terrier puppy called Mr Cod .
12 Sent away to boarding school when she was six ( she rarely sees her family now ) , she got three A- levels at college and shortly after got married : a mistake , she now realises , but she was pregnant at the time .
13 By the time she got through the winner had flown , but she finished full of running .
14 She was ‘ advertising for sex ’ and therefore ‘ deserved what she got ’ .
15 Coming in a week , when an American judge told a rape victim she ‘ deserved what she got ’ for wearing a lace mini-skirt , and an English judge dropped a rape charge because his 16-year-old alleged victim had the mental age of seven , yesterday 's case has gone some way to restore their faith in the justice system .
16 She got a better deal , to be fair , out of the Common Market , because she was so difficult .
17 Somehow , somewhere , she got the impression that they were congratulating themselves on Martin and Rachel 's failure ; on their very irresponsible approach to Phoebe 's education .
18 Then she got up , half cross to be awake when other people were still sleeping and half pleased with the intensity of quiet and peace .
19 She got an enthusiastic response , ‘ Of course , Mrs Petherington , I can stay in through my lunch-break if need be .
20 After a bit she got up again and crept down to her mother 's room .
21 As soon as she got home she could n't resist bringing up Moran 's name .
22 She got a cardigan and walked him all the way out the lane .
23 ‘ Where 's Tom ? ’ she noticed her brothers absence as soon as she got back to the house .
24 When Rose suggested that they write to Luke to ask him to meet Maggie off the train when she got to London Moran was furious .
25 ‘ I think we should have a cup of tea , ’ Rose said with jollying encouragement towards Moran but when he only looked back out at her she just continued talking as she got kettle and teapot .
26 She wants me to forget about the civil service and to go to university , ’ she said as soon as she got home .
27 Victoria Lockhart , 20 , finished her three-year relationship with Dennis Harper , 25 , when she got fed up with his endless attempts to alter the way she looked .
28 There was this girl , you see , and the night before she got married her mother said , ‘ Now whatever you do , do n't let him … ’ ’
29 ‘ I was just telling you about this girl and what her mother said on the night before she got married to the sailor . ’
30 ‘ Then , before I could stop her she got my father out of bed and told him the whole thing .
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