Example sentences of "which some " in BNC.

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1 Art Now had started life as a lecture series , but Read was a frequent reviewer of exhibitions , and a contributor to the Listener , from which some short essays were published under the title The Meaning of Art .
2 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
3 The kids are presented as decent and thoughtful , and there 's an Arcadian absence of the stress and violence which some might look for in a class where the teacher swears and free-associates , and throws up and bunks off into the bargain .
4 Our problem is that while Mrs Iverson appears to have ingested that from which she died at the dinner party there is no dish from which some or all the guests did not share . ’
5 It is this which some journalists , using a phrase made popular by A.M. Klein , have referred to as his ‘ stony , Semitic stare . ’
6 Indeed , on September 12 , 1924 , he journeyed to Italy to meet the Pope on behalf of his people ; which some commentators viewed as ‘ historic ’ .
7 In this poem we see their shared Jewishness , and the ‘ irreverence ’ ( as some would see it ) they each had for the Tradition — at least for that view of it which some espoused ; we also see a shared disdain for rabbinic ( and priestly ) logic , to them both a form of mental death .
8 It led to a major fracas , in which some tried to get him ‘ unelected ’ , but failed .
9 The excess to which some have pointed may well disclose the absence of something crucial , but for that we must defer judgment .
10 during which some part of the story was told in conventional gesture , e.g. the casting of Carabosse 's spell and the Lilac Fairy 's response in the first scene of The Sleeping Beauty .
11 There are two possible reasons for your Bearded Collie being wild about wood , the first being a second teething period , which some dogs go through .
12 The leader of the MPs ' delegation , Sir Rhodes Boyson , the former local government minister , said afterwards that they had asked for an extra £650m to offset the sums which some local councils will have to raise in poll tax to the pay their contribution to the nation-wide poll tax safety net .
13 TOWARDS the end of a week of stocktaking at the Stuttgart Classic , in which some of the world 's leading male players have expressed mixed feelings about the way professional tennis is moving into the next decade , Boris Becker was asked to name his player of the 1980s .
14 But she effortlessly avoided that exasperating coyness with which some seek to engage their audience , and the group also included the angelic Wir haben beide lange Zeit with whose chiming repetitions she wove an enchanting spell .
15 Because of a loophole in the legislation — which some believe will be closed soon — £4,800 can be invested in this trust , double the usual maximum .
16 THE MIGHTY LEMON DROPS A vast noise in the midst of which some bold melodies are attempting to box their way out .
17 ‘ They are the ones who invited Mr Adams to address them just 500 yards from the Grand Hotel which some of us have cause to remember ; to address them less than two weeks after the time when , along the coast at Deal , 10 young musicians in the Royal Marines were foully murdered .
18 At 666p , Rothmans is trading below asset value , which some believe is more than 750p a share .
19 This is a picture of policing which some constables in hard-line areas dispute as typical of Northern Ireland , with one policeman m West Belfast denying that any routine policing occurs in Northern Ireland , arguing that no area could be considered ‘ soft ’ because policemen and women are at risk everywhere ( FN 29/4/87 , p. 6 ) .
20 Having to talk little children through the horrors which some adults inflict upon them is horrific and stressful , and emotional distancing is difficult to maintain when you are dealing only with sex abuse cases day after day .
21 The reverse equally applies , for the remarks which some of Easton 's Protestant residents express about the police reveal attitudes towards them which are typical of many working-class groups in urban areas in non-divided societies .
22 It is hard to imagine Lloyd George or Churchill , Disraeli or Palmerston , reading the rather obscure books which some prelate wrote about religion .
23 The basing of art on such a ritual is pointless , as Eliot indicated when writing of the medium about which some of his most important remarks of this period were passed .
24 In the 1970s , this kind of pressure led to the prevalence of an increasing pool of funds allocated to soft or mixed commercial credits , which some EC governments were able to describe as aid .
25 ‘ I 'm conscious of my over-perfectly groomed image which some find off-putting , ’ she says .
26 In a crowded restaurant she gives a little scream at the plate which some overworked waitress has set before her and says , ‘ Oh , that 's far , far too much !
27 The message is even more explicit in The Four Just Men ( 1939 ) , a tale of derring-do in which some chaps set out to warn the nation of a demonic plan to destroy the British Empire , leaving world domination in one man 's hands .
28 It is a place we live in and an ideal to which some aspire .
29 The present system of allocations , in which some stately committee offers the franchise to the most persuasive ( or plausible ) claimant on the basis of pledges which may never be fulfilled , is , all agree , very near indefensible .
30 There is also a suggestion that the Council of Ministers meet in public when it is acting as a legislative body , a suggestion which some parliamentarians first attribute to Mr Tony Benn in his days as Energy Secretary .
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