Example sentences of "but [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The furnishings did not look new , but elegantly worn and homely .
2 Pointless , of course , but elegantly done .
3 Jacques 's flute method , compositions and instrument were not only characteristic of the early Baroque flute but elegantly expressed its aesthetic virtually to perfection .
4 Redolent of exotic fruit and scented soap , it is almost sweet-and-sour in character — seemingly sweet at the rich bouquet stage , but satisfyingly dry — almost sour — as you come through the pungent taste .
5 Some children may therefore adopt a black mask which they wear fiercely but weakly .
6 For I have news of great moment to report , viz. that on Friday last by a night when the moon shone but weakly we had intelligence that our neighbours in this land were embarked upon a most fiendish and treacherous Enterprise , namely to do every man among us fatal harm while we were still sleeping in our beds .
7 Or they may be thinking about the unthinkable : independence for their tiny — but vastly more successful — China .
8 We were there not to service the latest release plans of the record companies but to represent a submerged but vastly influential music culture .
9 There is one other type of microorganism to be found not in general fiction but in science fiction : the colonial organism , individually composed of microscopic bits but vastly intelligent as a collective .
10 Grom was to prove the exception , a Goblin who was not only as dangerous and ambitious as the best Orc , but vastly bigger as well !
11 It is a very simple issue but vastly important for our whole way of life is based upon acceptance of the rule of law . ’
12 Thankfully the downward trend stopped at ‘ Cemetery Gates ’ , an absurdly overstated flash of self parody , immensely pretentious but laughably so , hilariously so .
13 The cottage the gate belonged to had disappeared , but perversely its gate had been left behind .
14 She had n't wanted another argument , but perversely she was now filled with deep resentment at the way he was hijacking her right to tear him to pieces .
15 This is an easy way to have a number of gliders wrecked by the wind , but luckily it does not occur very often .
16 Such studies are rare , but luckily one exists of an area from which emigration to Britain has occurred ( Mamdani : The Myth of Population Control , Monthly Review Press , 1972 ) .
17 ‘ We burnt out the pto three times last year , but luckily it only takes an hour to change it . ’
18 ‘ Bits of broken glass showered over me but luckily I was n't injured . ’
19 Building societies ' own retail inflows are already modest — a mere £145m in the latest reported month — but luckily , so is demand for mortgages .
20 This would be an enormous waste management headache if all of this went into ‘ throwaway ’ products , but luckily this is not the case : although packaging is the biggest single consuming sector , accounting for 33 per cent , construction materials take out 20 per cent of the total .
21 But luckily for golf this was cancelled when the land was ear-marked for a camp site instead .
22 She was about to kick it aside , but luckily glanced up to see Luch 's watchful eye on her .
23 The first two men to exit from the following party were killed when their parachutes failed to open , but luckily the RAF dispatcher managed to stop the rest from jumping .
24 He was knocked unconscious for a brief period but luckily nothing was broken .
25 Reluctantly they headed away into the darkness and made the rendezvous rather late , but luckily the patrol had waited for them .
26 Seeing trucks approaching , the latter made ready for battle , but luckily there was mutual recognition before any shooting started .
27 They fired away with wild abandon , but luckily with little accuracy , and he was able to extricate himself .
28 Cheque book journalism has been pointed at Madge but luckily she 's weathered the storm or else , ’ Dame Edna paused dramatically , ‘ she 'd be back on the streets . ’
29 But luckily help was at hand in the person of Anna-Lisa Hammer , a blonde , Norwegian freelance journalist who was also the Press Officer for the Bislet Games in Oslo .
30 The tree was so big that , if it had fallen into the clearing , it would have flattened most of the gathering , but luckily it went in the other direction , toppling over the cliffside .
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