Example sentences of "but [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In the main , biplanes ruled the roost at Rendcomb , although a warbird interlude included Spitfire IX MJ730/G-HFIX owned by David Pennell , but flown by Andy Sephton .
2 Bauer was on the Left , so , unlike Renner , his central preoccupation was with the creation of a united working-class movement for the achievement of a socialist State , but undertaken in conditions where nationalism continually divided the workers .
3 I climbed into my paper nightie and was helped on to a narrow trolley by a second Farrah Fawcett blow-up doll ( but punctured ) , then gazed adoringly up the nose of a Greek god as he wheeled me into an open lift and down to the basement operating theatre to a waiting : ‘ Hi , I 'm Andy , your anaesthesiologist . ’
4 But given the discrimination shown against climbers in the present price structure , how long might it be before you climb at High Rocks by season ticket , or prior arrangement and private fee only ?
5 But given the nature of his activities it can not be excluded that this was a political attack . ’
6 It was , alas , only too derivative , but given its auteur 's antecedents everyone was prepared to give him a second chance .
7 In the summer the ferry also runs from Quiberon to the little fishing port of Sauzon , which is almost postcard-pretty from a distance but given satisfying reality in close-up by the sounds and smells of its trade and the stacks of water-roughened lobster traps and water-soaked nets and floats .
8 That it never seems boring is due first , of course , to the richness of the youthful Mozart 's music ; but given the fantastical convolutions of the story even that might not be enough .
9 They are permitted no naturalistic embellishment , but given that choice the stylisation should be taken further .
10 But given his lack of money it 's hardly worth it .
11 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
12 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
13 But given the ‘ exceptional circumstances ’ and ‘ out of respect ’ for the Ombudsman , substantial tax-free payments would be made .
14 That claim may have been sheer bravado , but given his long association with US intelligence , the general undoubtedly has enough mud to splatter many of his erstwhile US friends .
15 ‘ The figures should help sterling in the short term , but given the size of the deficit , the pound remains vulnerable , ’ said one economist .
16 Salvation is not won by Christ but given by God .
17 The uranium series measurements give a slightly older date of 205,000 years BP , but given that the uncertainties in each of these figures are typically 20 per cent , the two techniques can be said to agree with each other .
18 Sceptics may baulk at such an idea , but given the attested presence of such equally implausible-sounding objects as a block of portable eighteenth-century soup ( ex Captain Cook ) , Inuit seal-gut underwear , African cobweb hats and other equally exotic objects , the concept of dressed fleas may seem more acceptable .
19 But given its setting , we must not allow ourselves to be blinded by Abraham 's bravery , nor , when we read of the resounding success of his venture , by his military prowess .
20 Monstera deliciosa ( the Swiss cheese plant ) is so common that it is all too often neglected , but given enough space and care its deeply divided leaves make a real show right up to the ceiling .
21 You may have only intended to have a small black coffee but given all the antecedent events ( that is , the things we have described leading up to walking into the café ) , the probability is high that you will break the diet .
22 The funds were designated for humanitarian rather than military aid , but given that such funds freed existing funds for arms purchase , it was not difficult for critics of the WCC to argue that it was supporting terrorism .
23 It may have been that Harvey enjoyed such seniority in the Church that in his case such deviation was permitted , but given that two or three other committed Free Presbyterians have been active in the Official Unionist Party ( in 1985 there were two Free Presbyterians in local government as Official Unionist councillors ) , it is more likely that the Church leadership was genuinely able to maintain some distance from Paisley 's politics .
24 But given our track record there are risks on timing ’ he said .
25 In 1964 , when Pople left the UK for the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh , as it was then called , his departure inspired one popular British newspaper to the headline Another brain down the drain , but given the lamentable levels of financial support by successive UK governments for the theoretical research in which Pople was to excel , it is unlikely he could have achieved so much without moving .
26 You can use vodka or brandy as a preservative but given these are usually less than 50% proof you would need at least 20ml in a 100ml stock bottle to give a 10% alcoholic solution .
27 But given the fixed level of those overall resources , the inevitable result has been a reduction in resources for the remainder of the school population .
28 But given that many conceptions of the good do not fit into the individualistic pattern , how can this be described as a fair choice situation for principles of justice ? ( p. 10 )
29 If it had been only the Empress and a Court clique who desired war , things might have turned out differently , but given the wave of bellicosity which swept the entire nation , it would have required a miracle to produce a peaceful end to the crisis .
30 There is no reason why a change of context should restore α but given that a novel context is likely to be arousing , some increase in the likelihood of the OR might occur .
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