Example sentences of "devote time " in BNC.

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1 Concerned and caring , and always moved by the underdog , you willingly devote time to the halt and the lame .
2 He has devoted time and energy to people because it is the people who will one day be his subjects , and he feels a sense of responsibility towards them ; but he will also be King of the British Isles , and has a responsibility to safeguard those Isles for future generations .
3 The Local Plan inquiry had been taking place and the village had made a large input thanks to help from Rear Admiral Charles Weston and Christine Darter , who had devoted time and effort in presenting the parish point of view on many matters .
4 As you know , for many years I have devoted time to families in my parish who foster babies for the charity , but now I feel I can do more .
5 Highlander was thus free to devote time to other issues which had assumed a growing need .
6 It would be difficult at school to devote time both to the study of previous philosophers and to the application of philosophy to the current problems thrown up by other subjects .
7 What this approach soon reveals is that you often spend large amounts of time not on the things that matter but on activities which are relatively easy to devote time to , while the more difficult tasks tend to be pushed aside simply because they are more difficult .
8 A satisfying marriage to which parents are happy to devote time eases the loss .
9 Although the attempt ended in failure , he is not bitter and has continued to devote time to Scottish Institute affairs — unlike some of his other campaign colleagues .
10 The person decides consciously or not to devote time and energy to a particular activity .
11 The pattern of changes in structure , style , attitudes and behaviour that were eventually achieved would probably not have been possible , or would have taken significantly longer to achieve , in the absence of a critical mass of key individuals who were prepared to devote time and effort to heighten the confidence and enthusiasm of their ‘ converts ’ with their positive message .
12 It is one thing to recognize the present weaknesses in financial accountability ; it is another to devote time , money and effort to remedying these defects .
13 And yet , for all his reservations , Nietzsche continued to devote time and energy to orthodox classical scholarship ; and he was still prepared for an academic career , albeit with the special aims appropriate to one so sceptical of the established order .
14 It is helpful to talk to other users about their system 's performance and support and you must expect to devote time and money to training and to spend time and money planning for change .
15 On such a hearing the court will be reluctant to devote time to technical argument and will concentrate on the balance of convenience .
16 Perhaps the most controversial question concerning English intonation is what its function is ; pedagogically speaking , this is a very important question , since one would not wish to devote time to teaching something without knowing what its value was likely to be .
17 Top management must devote time to communications and also show that it has a real commitment to improving communications
18 He 'll devote time to them , teaching them , encouraging them , supporting them , providing them with opportunities to develop their unique talents .
19 Not that he will ignore the larger majority of his people who form the reliable , hard-working backbone of his organization ; he 'll devote time to them too , perhaps explaining his policy and practice for developing flair in his team .
20 As it is especially important in these languages to stress the right syllable the language learner must devote time to practise stress sufficiently .
21 This is why , when her contract expires in April 1993 , Tessa will move on and devote time to her own work .
22 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
23 The Profitboss devotes time and effort to this , taking his team away periodically to discuss their vision of excellence , clarifying it , refining it and defining it in terms of the best standards , the best contribution , the best performance .
24 Comprehension depends upon rapid work recognition , for if the reader is devoting time and attention to the individual words , then the relationships between words will not be appreciated and the integration of word meanings will not be calculated .
25 This last suggestion might be taken more seriously as the working week gets shorter and if the pay penalties for devoting time to caring were reduced .
26 Most of the ideas , techniques and strategies described in Part Two hold good for working with young children , but it is worth devoting time to a specific discussion of how one might adapt the work on still image and forum theatre for use with this age group , as they are sometimes thought to be strategies that can only be successfully used with older children .
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