Example sentences of "adapt to " in BNC.

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1 But I adapted to the work .
2 As the ages passed , a few land mammals , the distant ancestors of today 's whales and dolphins went back to the sea , and gradually changed shape as they adapted to an underwater environment .
3 Man originated in arid lands , and for an understanding of his societal arrangements we may turn to look at those other terrestrial primates that adapted to a closely similar niche .
4 He claimed that they soon adapted to life in captivity and became useful pest-controllers .
5 So life went on and I adapted to my new country , to living as a black youngster in a white-dominated society .
6 The existence of vegetation , and its changing nature , explains much of the evolutionary success of dinosaurs as they adapted to their environment .
7 More importantly , they adapted to the conditions far more effectively than Gavin Hastings ' band of teetotallers .
8 When set within an historical perspective , it comes as something of a shock to learn that primary education as we perceive it ( with children and teachers housed in buildings built or adapted to ‘ meet the needs of the children themselves , ) is a recent phenomenon .
9 In that case , he adapted to his new situation with remarkable speed .
10 This is a record of how he adapted to his new life .
11 The Kremlin therefore wanted to pursue competition short of armed conflict , and the mid-to-late 1950s saw the Cold War take on new dimensions and a truly global nature as Khruschev adapted to changed circumstances , proving ready , for example , to ally with groups in the emerging ‘ Third World ’ who opposed the capitalist and colonial West .
12 ‘ The spirit and ideas of the liberals were republican although in order not to affront openly the opinions of the masses , they pretended no other aim than a limited monarchy , basing their projects on laws and events in the history of Spain adapted to their purposes . ’
13 The species within each type represented different modifications of the basic pattern , each adapted to a particular way of life .
14 One possibility extended Paley 's version of the argument from design to include a whole sequence of creations , each adapted to the prevailing conditions of the time .
15 The production of a group of related species on the different islands of an archipelago provided a model for divergent evolution , suggesting that , when a species was divided into separate breeding populations , each of those populations had the ability to change as it adapted to its new environment .
16 Nevertheless , I soon adapted to my new landscape .
17 Many of the decorative touches — bows , tassels , swags and rosettes — were derived from old prints , but adapted to contemporary needs .
18 I made few friends , but once I adapted to this life I do not think I was particularly unhappy .
19 In that time , they adapted to the new environment , established themselves , and bred .
20 ASIANS are being asked to recall how they successfully adapted to British life .
21 Its fighters would be amnestied , would have special access to education , health care , land and credit , and would receive a monthly payment for six months while they looked for employment and adapted to civilian life .
22 Over five centuries they developed their own art and architecture , which were derived from Greek and oriental sources , but adapted to their needs in Italy .
23 Nevertheless , the parties did undergo some transformation as they adapted to a changing political climate .
24 A fractal description originally developed by mathematician Michael Barnsley , has been adapted to digitally sampled audio .
25 The independent Red Army press was rather better adapted to its readership .
26 Here we have the notion that as the system of technology ( the domestication of animals and the formation of herds ) develops , it becomes incompatible with the social system , especially the system of inheritance and familial authority , This growing incompatibility , or contradiction , then leads to a revolutionary change in the social system , in this case the change to father right , a system which according to Morgan and Engels was better adapted to pastoralism .
27 Now , since consciousness is adapted to the practical needs of society and that society divides into subsocieties which have a different type of existence , it follows that these different subsocieties develop their own consciousness .
28 The consciousness of the dominant class is adapted to the need of operating the domination of this class .
29 Turning to Charles Kettering , who 'd invented an electric motor small enough to power a National Cash Register , Leland asked if something similar could be adapted to the internal combustion engine .
30 For those churches not vested in the Redundant Churches Fund or retained by the Board of Finance of the diocese , two categories can be perceived : a ) those that will be demolished ( although the Advisory Board may initially withhold a demolition certificate ) and b ) those that can be adapted to a range of alternative uses .
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